Year 1/2 Report

Term 2 2022

Welcome back everyone to Term 2! The Grade 1/2 teachers have been busy preparing engaging activities for you all. Read below to find out what we will be learning about and working on for the term...


In Numeracy, students will be learning about place value and will learn to recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to 100. Concrete materials such as bundling sticks, tens frames, MAB blocks, number lines, 120 charts and place value charts will be used to support their understanding of 2-digit numbers. They will develop their confidence when counting to and from 100 by playing games, singing counting songs and participating in daily fluency activities. Students will practice skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s from zero and non-zero starting points. The concept of length will be explored through practical experiences where students will measure, compare and order the length of objects using informal units of measurement. At the end of the term, students will learn to recognise and sort 2D and 3D shapes in their environment.   


During Term 2 in Literacy, students will be exploring a unit titled “Let’s Use Facts”. Students will listen to, read, view, interpret and create texts that inform.  They will develop an understanding of the structure and organisation of these texts. Students will continue to practice their independent reading daily to achieve their own individualised reading goal. They will be encouraged to explain and recall key facts on a chosen topic and create an informative report including written facts and illustrations and images throughout writing lessons. 


During Term Two in Inquiry, students will be learning about the topic, ‘My Place in the Community.’ In this topic, students will learn about family histories and understand how people participate in their community. They will identify the range of groups to which they, their family members and their class belong. Students will know the important places in their community and participate in a local walk to identify key landmarks. They will understand who the traditional landowners of their community are and explain why groups and communities have rules. Students will also learn about how the local community has changed over time. 




  • School starts at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10 - please make sure you are on time  
  • Please provide, drink bottle, fruit snack, lunch and recess snack each day
  • Term 2 means colder weather so please send a NAMED jacket and/or coat  
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence  
  • Red folders are to be returned to school each day for notes, home readers and diaries. 


The Grade 1/2 Team 

Khalad Karim, Mark Turner, Emily Routley, Katherine Richardson, Rosie Borg, Kerrie Passmore and Belinda Perera.