Around the School -

The Office, Library, Canteen & OHSC News!


Parents : update your contact details

Enrolments are open for 2023

Reminders :  Parent Contributions are welcome and payable at the Office via EFTPOS

 CSEF :  If you are new to the school, and hold a concession card, please come and complete a new form.


We welcome Kate Wilson to our Admin team. Kate will be looking after the first aid room. If you need to discuss any of your child’s medical information, please come past to see her.

Sadly, we say farewell to Gwen Pringle.  Gwen will be missed as her role at Roxy was so involved with the families and students. She will pop in from time to time.  We would like to wish her all the best.




The Premier's Reading Challenge has begun but a few students are yet to start. They will be able to pick up their log sheets and folder and begin borrowing either before school or during their library session this week. I look forward to all students regularly borrowing before school.

Issue 3 Book Club is now available. The due date for orders is Wednesday 11th May. Could I remind you that all orders are now online and details of how to order are on the catalogue which your child brings home. Thank you for supporting Book Club as we receive a commission on all books purchased enabling us to put new books on the shelves.



Welcome to Term 2


I have spent some time in making cookies for your celebrations and enjoyment, these are $2 and can be made to order as well if you like .





I’ll only be having Sushi Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays this term, I find in the cooler months it doesn’t sell as well .


I’ll be replacing it with soup and garlic bread , This will be available every day to order. All soup will be halal and flavours will be, chicken and corn , pumpkin or potato and leek  . Small $3.50 Large $5.50 .


Just a reminder that they are many ways you can put in a lunch order , Over the counter befor school starts , In a bag in the classroom tub and also through quickcliq, and online system that can be order on your computer or phone . I find this way very easy for busy parents . Its easy to set up on the days before you would like to use it .


As a small business I thank you for all your lunch orders and cookie orders you have already given me , its important for my small business . I’ll try my best to keep my prices down in these times ahead of us .


Thank you for time . Sue Inness

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