Principals Team Report
Welcome to 2022 - "Achieving Excellence Together."
Principals Team Report
Welcome to 2022 - "Achieving Excellence Together."
NAPLAN Online will run in week three and provides a better assessment, more precise results and is more engaging for students. This year all Victorian schools will complete Naplan online, except for Grade 3 writing which remains paper based. NAPLAN Online is a tailored test that adapts to student responses, presenting students with questions that may be more or less difficult – resulting in better assessment and more precise results.
This video provides an explanation on how tailored testing works. Watch the Tailored testing video (3 min 6s). If you have any questions about Naplan, please ask your child's teacher or speak to Mr Hanson.
Writing - Tuesday 10th May
Reading - Wednesday 11th May
Language Conventions - Thursday 12th May
Numeracy - Tuesday 17th May
Please arrive at school on-time at 8:50am to ensure the best opportunities for learning.
If your child has experienced a negative interaction with another student or friend before you'll know it can really mess with their confidence, mental health and overall wellbeing.
Knowing the difference between rude behaviour, conflict, someone being mean and bullying can help you understand and reach out for help and understand how our school manages these behaviors.
Here is a simple diagram to help you determine the behaviour.
Rude Behaviour
If your child expresses that someone at school was saying something rude or doing something hurtful encourage them to tell a teacher. If they are unsure, support them by setting up a time to talk to the classroom teacher by leaving a message at the office or see the teacher before or after school.
Calmly explain the event or better yet get your child to explain what happened. This will assist with the teacher when they follow up on the rude behaviour. The teacher will investigate further to determine exactly what happened and support the student/s in how to be a good friend and be nice to others around them. Our school value of cooperation and respect will be referenced by the teacher to assist in teaching students how to behave in a positive way.
If your child expresses that someone has said a hurtful thing to them on purpose out of anger and/or frustration as part of an argument or disagreement please encourage them to tell a teacher. If they are unsure, support them by setting up a time to talk to the classroom teacher by leaving a message at the office or see the teacher before or after school.
Calmly explain the conflict or better yet get your child to explain what happened. This will assist with the teacher when they follow up on the events of the conflict. The teacher will investigate further to determine what happened and support the student/s in how manage their emotions. Our school value will be referenced by the teacher to assist in teaching students how behavior in a positive way.
If consequences are required, the teacher will follow through with the students involved as required.
If your child expresses that someone has been mean to them on purpose once or twice please encourage them to tell a teacher otherwise please set up a time to talk to the classroom teacher by leaving a message at the office or see the teacher before or after school.
Calmly explain the mean behaviour or better yet get your child to explain what happened. This will assist with the teacher when they follow up on the events of the conflict. The teacher will investigate further to determine what happened and support the student/s in how manage their emotions. Our school value will be referenced by the teacher to assist in teaching students how behavior in a positive way.
The required consequences will be followed up by the teacher with the students who demonstrated the mean behaviour.
If your child expresses that someone has been mean to them on purpose over and over again please encourage them to tell a teacher otherwise please set up a time to talk to the classroom teacher by leaving a message at the office or see the teacher before or after school.
Calmly explain the behaviour to the teacher. This will assist the teacher when they follow up on the events of the conflict. The teacher will investigate further to determine what happened and support the student/s in how manage their emotions. A member of the Leadership team will be informed of this situation and support the teacher with the required consequences.
Our school value will be referenced to assist in teaching the student how behavior in a positive way and a member of the wellbeing team will support the child effected by bullying to support their mental health.
To strengthen the home school partnership we are hold a conversation about Maths.
Our 2022 Student Leaders ran their first event for the year at the Movie night. The team worked throughout term one brainstorming, planning and running their first project. Some of the highlights included surveying students to research potential products, creating a profit and loss financial sheet, creating rosters for the night, and of course running their drinks and snacks stall on the night.
We welcome Mr. Khalad Kirim as our new Learning Specialist teacher and 12A teacher.
My name is Khalad Karim, I am 41 years old and I have been a teacher for 14 years now.
Miss Sara, my wife, also works at a primary school. Miss Sara and I are the proud parents of little Sophia Rose! She was born in May 2018. She is 3 ½ years old and asks many questions like ‘Can I have some chocolate?’ & ‘Can you get me this?.’ She loves books and likes to read every night.
I also love to read! Picture story books are my favourite! I also like watching documentaries, movies and tv shows. I think this year will be a good year for me to continue fine tuning my writing skills.
In the first aid room we have Miss Kate Wilson. She has been helping our sick and hurt students and is excited to be meeting new community members every day. Welcome Kate!
I would also like to introduce three new Education support teachers. Please meet Serina, Melissa and Fahreta. They are working across various year levels supporting our students who require a little extra help and support with their learning and wellbeing.
What a last day of Term!!!!! The colour run is fast becoming one of our most popular school events!!! We cannot wait for our 2023 colour run!!!
A big shout out to all the students who helped support this wonderful school event through raising money for the school. This year we raised $2, 583!
This money will go towards upgrade to our school facilities.
Hume City Council is hosting a parent and carer seminar on “Healthy Relating: Sexuality, Respectful Relationships & Consent”. This is a free seminar on 17th May 7:30pm-9pm at the Hume Global Learning Centre – Craigieburn, 75-95 Central Park Avenue, Craigieburn 3064.
Join Vanessa Hamilton, of Talking the Talk Sex Ed, for an informative evening for parents and carers. The inclusive education presentations will help you understand more about sexuality in children and young people; alongside how to support your child to form respectful, healthy relationships.
For more details and registration link see: Healthy Relating: Sexuality, Respectful Relationships & Consent Seminar - Hume City Council