Year 5 Report

Term 2 2022

Welcome to a very busy Term Two. 

During this term, the children will participate in a Social and Emotional Learning program. The students will work with Jess Baido and their classroom teacher, participating in activities that will focus on building social and emotional skills to facilitate positive peer relationships. The classroom teacher will then reinforce these sessions during the week.

During this term, the children will continue to be involved in all aspects of the English curriculum: Reading, Viewing, Writing, Speaking and Listening. 


In Reading, they will be exposed to the text structure and language features of narratives with a particular focus on narratives written about the past. This will assist them when writing their own narratives. Later in the term, the children will be presented with various types of poetry to read and investigate to familiarise them with the structure. As usual, the students will also be working on their individual reading goals using their 'just right' books to practise their goals.


In Writing, the children will be looking at developing their descriptions in narratives, specifically focusing on developing their characters and settings. In addition, the students will use their knowledge of poetry types to write their own this term. Their Speaking and Listening skills will be developed through various activities, working in cooperative groups and presenting their projects, assigned tasks and everyday reflections.


In Maths, the children will use mental strategies to focus on addition and subtraction. They will tackle worded problems by identifying what strategies and operations are needed. In addition, the students will be working on chance and data. They will be asked to pose questions to gather data and construct various displays appropriate for the collected data, both with and without the assistance of digital technology.


Our Inquiry into Australian History will cover the development of Australia's white settlement and the impact on the indigenous population, the reasons behind the establishment of each colony, the life of convicts, the Gold Rush and the move towards Federation. The children will be required to research and write reports on each aspect and present their findings in various ways. They will also be working alone, in pairs, in small groups and as a whole class as they develop their knowledge and understanding of the development of Australia as a nation.



10th-12th May - NAPLAN

17th May - NAPLAN

13th June - Public Holiday - Queen's Birthday

23rd-24th - Parent/Teacher Interviews