Catholic Identity

Have you ever thought of Lent as a yearly second chance? Each year our Catholic Church gives us six weeks to take a long, loving look at our lives to see if our values and priorities are in line with God’s desires for us. Since most of us find that we’ve wandered from God’s path, Lent becomes that second chance, or do-over, to return to God with our whole heart.
The students across most Year Levels have been learning about the Liturgical Season of Lent. Fr. Novie our Parish Priest visited Year 5 students during the week and presented some fantastic ideas about ways we can change for the better, to prepare for Easter. He discussed with our students that rethinking and examining ourselves during Lent about what we can do, doesn’t have to stop there and be just during the Lenten phase. Fr. Novie also said it takes persitence and resilience to try.
St. Mary’s 2023 School Choir
Thanks to a wonderful Parishoner Margaret Spedding who has been busy sewing for our St. Mary’s School Singing group. She has made us some choir gowns, how exciting we can’t wait to perform in them. If your child has come home talking about the choir and their involvement that too is wonderful news. They will have opportunities throughout the year to sing at whole school and parish events. We will also be getting them embroidered with our school logo.
Choir practice is held each Thursday lunchtime in the Bridigine centre and it’s not too late to participate.
ECIS - Enhancing Catholic Identity Survey
Every four years our Diocese gathers information about our Catholic Identity at a school and system level. The purpose of the survey's research is to gather meaningful insights into how our Catholic Identity is viewed and might be shaped for the future. We have a set amount of students, parents and staff that we are required to survey. Student’s in Year’s 5 & 6 will contribute their opinions over the next two weeks. Parent afternoons in the Library will be held on:
Mon the 20th, Thurs 23rd, Mon 27th & Thurs 30th of March Devices will be available for those interested in contributing to the survey. More details about the ECIS will be forwarded also through compass and your input is confidential but also really valued. So much so that every parent who completes the survey will go into the draw for a grocery voucher!
Easter Raffle
Please see the flyer below in regards to our annual Easter Raffle. Thank you to the many families who have donated towards the raffle after seeing the post on our school socials. The raffle will be drawn on the Wednesday evening of the last week of Term One, when we have our Family BBQ.
Caritas K’s Around the Soccer Pitch on Fridays 8:20 till 8:45
A great way for Mum’s, Dad’s Guardians & Grandparents to finish the week on a Friday morning with their St. Mary’s students. Time spent getting your steps up for a great cause! Come along to support our fundsraing and awareness for Caritas Australia - Project Compassion. Any coin donation is welcome.
Parish Based Sacramental Program
Although our enrolment process for the Sacramental Program is closed, we still have a few more available spots for any Year 4 students that may wish to participate in the Sacramental program. If this is for you please visit our Parish Website, download the enrolment form, fill out and drop it into the Parish, ASAP.