Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections

The term is in full flight and the school is well settled into routine, learning and great connections with our students and teachers. Assessment and testing is almost complete from Foundation to Year Six and our teachers are using data to inform and direct their teaching. Our classes appear engaged, empowered and exciting places to be.
Over the past fortnight we have had much to celebrate! We had a beautiful turn out for our Year 3 family Mass at the St Mary’s Parish. It was wonderful to see nearly a whole class of year 3 students representing their school and celebrating in the Mass with the community. MSP came in and did a magical job at taking photos of over 600 students, staff and siblings. The proof that I have seen will not disappoint! Our Foundation students are now at school with us all full time with their Wednesday rest days completed. I am sure Foundation families will soon start to see the fatigue at home also. Our Senior students had a hugely successful day at Lawn bowls and did incredibly well, Mr Larkin was a great support to all! Always lots happening, lots to look forward to and lots to celebrate.
It is Week 7 of an 11 Week term and we are beginning to see some fatigue and illness among our community. I recognise that parents may be experiencing teacher absence from their child(rens) classes and we are striving to cover these with as little interruption as possible. In full transparency St Mary’s on average employs five casual relief teachers a day, and at times this does not cover our need. We have found ourselves also challenged by the statewide teacher shortage and are working behind the scenes to improve this as best we can. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this is causing.
We are also experiencing an increased number of children presenting in first aid. There is definitely illness looming and we have been made aware of many covid cases at school also. I understand that the restrictions and expectations of covid have changed, however, if your child is sent to school with any signs or symptoms of being unwell, we will contact parents to collect them. It is important that as a whole community we strive to uphold the health and wellbeing of one another. I thank you all for your support on this.
St Mary’s prides itself on its communication with families and the flexibility teachers offer in being able to meet with parents to discuss anything regarding your child(ren). As the school year continues to progress I would invite families to revisit our Communications process when tabling concerns. Teachers welcome the opportunity to discuss your child in respectful and meaningful ways, where solutions, learning strategies and progression are key. I would ask that concerns that warrant a meeting and a conversation please not be tabled in an email as they are too important to a successful partnership with our families.
The purpose of our Community of Parents and Friends is to connect as parents of the school, enhance our sense of community, ensure we have fun and socialise and if we are successful fund raise for our amazing school. St Mary’s parents are always so willing to support our community's events and needs. This year again we welcome any family members wanting to be a part of our Community of Parents and Friends. St Mary’s no longer runs a traditional “P&F” however seeks interest and commitment from parents willing to be part of an event throughout the year from beginning to end. Parents volunteering their time can put their name down for one event and be part of the facilitating group that sees the event planned and executed. The school is keen to set dates for these wonderful events but is seeking the parent support first. If this is something of interest to you, please complete the survey attached in this newsletter.
Next week our Year 3 and 5 Students begin NAPLAN. Our teachers have been preparing them for this experience as it is now completed online. NAPLAN is an informative tool that most schools use to target school improvement in key curricular areas. We do not want this experience to bring any undue stress to our students and know it is one moment in time where we will support them to do and be their best. Parents of Year 3 and 5 students will be made aware of results and how to best understand them once we receive them later in the year! We wish our students well.
Jasmine Ryan