Year Three

Dear Year Three families,


We hope everyone has been enjoying their child/ren coming home and sharing their learning with you. Our students have done a fantastic job at being so adaptable in preparation for NAPLAN in week 8, whilst also showing exemplar behaviour both inside and outside of the room. Over the past two weeks each year level have been holding JSC elections, where each classroom voted for their elected representative. From there, 4 students out of the 9 were selected to be the Year Three representatives, 2 for Timetable A and 2 for Timetable B. It is my pleasure to announce that our 2023 Year Three JSC representatives are, 

Iris Fan from 3D

Adam Goh 3E


Rithvik Vijayakumar 3F

William Luan from 3H



In Reading, students in Year Three have been continuing on with their QAR comprehension skills focusing on, 'Right There' and 'Think and Search' questions. This week we have been exploring fiction and non-fiction texts designed to improve students comprehension in the lead up to NAPLAN. Each class have also been running Guided Reading groups, centred around student needs, to improve each Year Three student's reading skills. 



In Writing, our students have been further exploring and unpacking narrative texts in the lead up to NAPLAN in Week Eight. In Week Five, our students have created a narrative piece following the structure, (Orientation, Rising Action, Climax, Fall Action and Resolution) for the writing prompt, 'Stuck'. They have used this piece to improve their vocabulary, punctuation and characterisation, as a few examples. 



In Numeracy, students have continued to explore their number and algebra knowledge through Multiplicative thinking and additive thinking, our next concept will be, 'time'. The cohort have been focusing on NAPLAN style questions through our, 'Launch, Explore, Discuss' model. Our students have been exploring the connection between all four operations, (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and different strategies to solve and represent their answers through the use of the RUCSAC guide. 



Over the past two weeks, students have continued to dive into their first Unit of Inquiry, 'Rules and laws contribute to developing a more productive society'. We have been exploring where we see rules and laws in our local community to support students' ability to compare the similarities and differences in their roles. Further, our students are now identifying and justifying the need for various rules and laws in different settings. 








Every second Monday our Year Three cohort will be given their next homework cycle. These tasks have been published as a 'news post' on all of your child's Schoolbox class pages. Please encourage your child to show you where these homework tasks are located. 



Special visitor 

On Friday 10 February, we had a special visit from Mathew Hilakari, our Point Cook State Member of Parliament. Most of our cohort got the opportunity to meet Mathew and share some questions with him in connection to our first Unit of Inquiry. 



• We kindly remind students to remember their wide brim hats must be worn every recess and lunch and ensure they have a full water bottle every day.

• Please ensure iPads are sent to school fully charged.

• Year Three cohort will be having a police visit on March 6th to link to our first Unit of Inquiry.

• NAPLAN will commence on March 15th and finish on March 27th 


Kind regards,

David Vivoda

Year Three Leading Teacher