Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Middle School Update

We have had a wonderful start to the year with the energy from our Year 7 students who have brought a vibrance to the Middle School building. With a number of new students joining us in Years 8 and 9 this has added to the enthusiasm of the majority of our young people returning this year.


Adding to the ‘energy levels’ is the new staff joining our Middle School team who have brought their experience and expertise to provide some wonderful learning opportunities in their respective learning areas:


            Mr Chris DiSabato – Year 7 Coordinator

            Mr Alberto Runco – Year 8 Coordinator

            Mr Luke Johns – Careers and VET Coordinator

            Mr Langley Thurkle – Mathematics specialist


The first day of the year involved meeting new PCG teachers, organising lockers and padlocks and engaging with Year Coordinators to set our students up for a successful start to the year. This has continued with year group Parent Information Nights to ensure the College guidelines and expectations are clearly understood to support our students in their time at school. When students, parents and teachers have a clear shared understanding of the vision of Salvado Catholic College is then the student’s capacity to learn and enjoy their time at school is enhanced.


We have a number of wonderful opportunities available for all students this year. Student engagement and parent support is essential for the holistic development of our young people. Communication is essential for this to occur, and I ask that all parents ensure they have SEQTA – Engage activated and being used to support and guide your children; an email has been sent regarding this.


It is also essential that our students arrive at school ‘ready to learn’. This includes being at school by 8:15am at the latest which gives them enough time to go to their lockers, organise themselves for period 1 and 2 and then enter their PCG classrooms by 8:30am. Students arriving after 8:30am are late and those students who have poor punctuality will be issued consequences. We ask for parent/carer support with this as we want out students to start their day in a positive way.


Brendan McGrath

Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)