From the Principal's Desk

Welcome Back 


Dear Parents and Carers


Firstly, I would like to welcome to all families new to Salvado CC and welcome back to our existing families, it is hard to believe that we are already into Week Three of the term. I also welcome all staff new to the College in 2023. 


On Wednesday 7 February we held our Opening College Mass (Year 4 to Year 9) and Prayer Service (Kindergarten to Year 3), Fr Mark led the Mass and Mrs Ripley organised a beautiful Prayer Service for the younger students. I was very impressed with the level or reverence and respect shown by the students during both services.  


At the conclusion of the Opening Mass the Year 6 House Captain badges were blessed, the students were then presented with their badges and made their Leadership Pledge to the College community.  Congratulations to Tayla Dunstan, Alessandro Furfaro (Benedict House) MitchelI Hall, Aoibhe McCann (Frayne House), Abeer Arora, Sienna Chase (MacKillop House), Oliver Lyon and Gabrielle Wachekwa (Vincent House). 

I look forward to working with Mrs Pitman and the Year 6 House Captains during the year. 


The Annual School Performance Report provides a snapshot of key College performance data for 2022. The Report for 2022 has been uploaded to the College website and I encourage all parents/caregivers to read this Report - click here to access the Report


Have you downloaded the College Mobile App yet? A central place to access notices, the calendar, eNewsletter, our College website and other quick links, as well as recording absences.


On Friday 24th February (Week 4), all Middle School students will be participating in the College’s inaugural Year 7-9 Inter-House Swimming Carnival at the Armadale Fitness and Aquatic Centre.  All students are expected to attend the swimming carnival as per normal school day. There will be numerous opportunities for all students to participate and enjoy the carnival at their own ability level. A communication was sent to all Year 7 to Year 9 families last week providing important information relating to the carnival which can be accessed here along with attire guidelines which can be accessed here


In Term Four of 2022 the extremely successful College Colour Run was held, last week we received the certificates and awards for the highest fundraising class and individual student. As a College we raised $17,422.10, with Pre-Primary Grey being the highest fundraising class with $1983.00. Congratulations to Aoibhe McCann, 6G, who was the student who raised the most money individually, she was presented with a certificate and medal in recognition of her fabulous efforts. 

Peace & Goodness to all.

Ian Hagen
