Aoife's Message

Hello families,
It has been a busy few weeks at our school, and we have some exciting things to share with you.
District Swimming
On Wednesday the 22nd of February, our school participated in the District Swimming competition. Our children displayed fantastic sportsmanship and behaved respectfully and responsibly throughout the entire day. It was a great experience for all involved, with the children swimming their hearts out in their events. Some of our swimmers on the day will go on to swim in the Division Swimming Comp next week. Congratulations to all of our children who participated, we are so proud of you!
Professional Development - Discovery Learning
Last week, Cailin, Louise, Kate and Aoife participated in a professional learning day around bringing play-based learning to life in the classroom and creating authentic learning experiences for our children through play. The day was very inspiring and our team was able to bring fresh ideas and experiences back into our classrooms. We are excited to see how this learning will positively impact our children.
Pony Visit
Next week, we will have a special visit from some ponies owned by the Beven family. The ponies will be part of our Outdoor Education program, where the children will learn some specific skills around grooming and caring for the ponies. They will also discuss safety when working with ponies, and will finish the experience with an opportunity to lead the pony in a circle. We are grateful to Michelle, Paul, Harrison and Emily for bringing in their ponies and look forward to this exciting opportunity for our children!
NAPLAN assessments will commence on Wednesday the 15th of March. Our children have already had some practice using the platform and are ready to go. We encourage parents to support their children by reassuring them that NAPLAN is a part of their school program and reminding them to simply do their best.
Aqua Aware Program
The Aqua Aware Program will begin next week for Years 4-6. During this time, children will learn swimming and safety skills in the pool. The children are looking forward to the program commencing, and we are keen to see the progress they make in the water.
Working Bee
Our first working bee will commence soon, and we are looking forward to seeing you there! This is a great opportunity for our school community to come together and make our school an even better place for our children. See the dates for your diary section for dates/times.
Zucchini Slice Day
Our veggie patch is going wild with zucchinis so next Monday our generous parent volunteers will be rustling up some zucchini slice for the whole school to share. Each child will get a slice to try, please see the PFA section of the newsletter for the recipe.
St Patrick's Day - Friday 17th March
Children are invited to wear something green to celebrate St Patrick's Day!
We look forward to sharing more updates with you soon.
Enjoy the weekend,
Kate and Kellie
Co-Deputy Principals