Student Leaders Corner

Year 12 Leadership Camp
Silverwater Resort, Tuesday 2 May - Friday 5 May, 2023
Leadership Camp was a week where we got to learn about ourselves as leaders and how others lead as well. Mr Ogden’s session held a lot of value to us because it allowed us to better understand ourselves; whether that be that we found something surprising about our personality or that it solidified a pre-existing notion. This was powerful as it meant that we could use these newly found qualities to work together, use each other’s strengths and help each other create a better Dandenong High School.
Along with leadership sessions, we also had a lot of bonding sessions initiated by team building activities. Whether it be running around Cowes, showing our competitive side for The Great Pursuit, or showing our more vulnerable side when it came to a session with the Olympian, Drew Ginn. These specific sessions were most enjoyed by the leaders as it meant we could run around exploring Cowes or that we could have insightful conversations with others which better let us understand a person and their life, which was really impactful.
This one week will always be treasured by all 20 of us because it allowed us to get to know each other not just as leaders but as students at Dandenong High School. This made us good friends and helped us create some unforgettable memories with each other and with the 4 amazing teachers who accompanied us.
Rishika G
School Vice Captain