What's going on in 

Arts DDT?

Year 12 Drama Ensemble Performance

On Friday 12th May, the Year 12 Drama students put on an incredible show that creatively highlighted the 5 stages of Grief, but not as you might know it! It wasn't all doom and gloom either. It included live singing and music as well, a show they’d crafted together beautifully. 


The students were: Rachael B (Banksia), Peter MK (Hakea), Natalie A (Fern) and Victoria C (Eucalyptus).


These hardworking students had rehearsed over the holidays and weekends, and it was so great to have their friends, family and teachers come to support them and watch them perform. Well done to the Year 12 Drama class for their amazing performance! 

Mr Christoffelz 

Drama Teacher

Year 9 Dance Workshop with the Sydney Dance Company!

On Wednesday, 10th May, our talented Year 9 Dance students had the incredible opportunity to participate in an incursion with the renowned Sydney Dance Company. For 2 hours, our students delved into the world of choreography, exploring various artistic devices alongside professional dancers. Together, they collaborated on crafting their own unique dance pieces. It was an inspiring and unforgettable experience, allowing our students to further develop their creativity and skills. The magic these young dancers created was truly mesmerizing!