Beattie boys

Some kids are loving the isolation period-not us! Our football season was postponed. I actually made the AFL under 18s indigenous team which also came to a screaming halt, but we are still training and kicking the football to keep up our skills. We are running to ensure we have the stamina for when the football season returns.

We have a gym set up in the garage that has everything we need to ensure we keep excising, and enabling us to keep motivated to stay fit.

Chris Beattie

Fitness tips from Mr Ned

This lock down period has come to be a really challenging and demanding time for all of us. Getting enough exercise to keep us healthy has also become very difficult as gyms and other sporting facilities are closed. However, there are many things we can do at home to keep ourselves fit and our bodies energised during this isolation period.

Personally, I always start the day by drinking a glass of lukewarm lime/lemon water.

I also try to do the following exercise at home:

  • Walk in the sun for around 30 min (morning or afternoon) or run for around 45 min in the evening (3-4 times a week).
  • Push ups - around 30 (alternate days).
  • Deep breathing - Stand straight, take a deep breath and hold it for 5-10 s. Then breathe out slowly - repeat 10/15 times. (daily).
  • Sit ups - Lie down on back, knees straight, feet under something to get a firm grip and try to bend the body forward, bringing face towards the knees – repeat 5 times (twice a week).
  • Bending (sit down on the floor and stretch out legs to the front, take a deep breath and bend body trying to touch knees with face - stay in that position for few seconds – then lift up the body to the vertical position (still sitting) while breathing out slowly - repeat 5 times. (twice a week).
  • Squats - repeat 10/15 times) (daily)
  • Leg lifts – Elevate each leg with knee bent (leg) towards chest - repeat 10/15 times.
  • Kicking (front, side, back) (twice a week)

It is also important to try maintain a healthy, balanced diet and drink enough water to keep ourselves nourished as well!


Editors Note:

Mr Ned is a strict tea totaller so this water regime is no difficutly for him.