Foundation Unit


This week in Foundation we have been exploring the concept of Subtraction. We read the story of Mr Brown’s Magnificent Apple Tree and discussed how many apples were on the tree and how many were left when a mouse ate some of the apples. The children added words related to Subtraction on an anchor chart which they reviewed each day. Some of the words they came up with were; take away, subtract, minus, leaves and equals. After this discussion each child made a page depicting an apple tree and a subtraction sentence. The students loved seeing their maths work published in a big book for the grade to share.

Ten in the Bed

Another book we read was a copy of Ten in the Bed, which is a counting rhyme most of the students had heard before. Students then used mini teddies to model a take away sentence of their own. These sentences were also compiled and made into a big book for the grade to share. Using the teddies was very popular and made for an exciting Maths lesson.


The aim of these lessons were for students to complete a take away sentence.

There were ___ teddies on the bed. _____ fell out. There were _____ teddies left.

  • Evie “l liked the colouring in and writing the numbers”.
  • Lucinda “I like using the tiny teddies to do take away. 4 take away 1 leaves 3.”
  • Cruz “There were 9 teddies on the bed and 4 fell off. 5 teddies were left.”