Student Awards & Achievements

Winners of the best ' Book Cover ' 

These students are the winners for the best ‘Book Covers’ from last week.

  • Emma JU2
  • Audrey MU5
  • Poppy SU2

Students of the Week - 6 September Assembly

JU1 - Trent

For listening attentively during discussions and explanations.

JU2 - Aidan

For trying his best, taking his time, and asking for help when he is unsure. Terrific attitude Aidan!

MU1 - Gigi

For being a thoughtful and responsible class member who approaches her learning with a positive mindset.

MU2 - Owen

For having a go and being willing to include others. You are an important role model in MU2.

MU3 - None

MU4 - Zoe

For working hard to improve her handwriting. Good work Zoe!

MU5 - Hayden

For being a kind hearted friend.

MU5 - Jack

For showing amazing improvements in your writing!

MU6 - James

Volunteering, in his own time, to help with setting up the September calendar by finding all the necessary pieces.

MU7 - Saffron

For being a caring and supportive class member who always looks out for the needs of others.

MU8 - Damon

Concentrating on and completing set tasks successfully.

CU1 - Ben

For showing active learning skills when working collaboratively on his ‘Mini Garden’ design. Great


CU2 - Lucie

For her excellent shoebox garden design. Well done!

CU3 - Dakota

For the enthusiastic way she has begun her Carlsruhe experience. Welcome to WPS Dakota.

SU1 - Stevie

For being SUPER energetic during Senior Unit Sport!! Keep running!! You Rock!!

SU2 - Archie

For a huge improvement in his behaviour and attitude this week. Fantastic Effort!

SU3 - None

Classes of the Week

French - CU2

For their beautiful illustrations of spring in French.

Students of the Week - 11 September Assembly

JU1 - Hayley

For always being a helpful monitor in the classroom.

JU2 -Connor

For extra efforts in his writing and for always trying his very best in everything he does. Super star work Connor!

MU1 - Caleb

For being a responsible and hardworking class member

MU2 - Lulu

For being a trusted and respectful classmate. Thank you!

MU2 - Lachlan

For working hard on his spelling and creating interesting sentences with his words.

MU3 - Aiden

For using excellent problem solving skills to extend himself in maths

MU4 - Matilda

For being a supportive and helpful team member. Well done Matilda!

MU5 - Matilda

For creating a detailed story using aboriginal symbols. Great job!

MU6 - None

MU7 - Ben

For always helping others, trying his best and being responsible. Great work Ben!

MU8 - Isabelle

For showing resilience and strength when faced with challenging situations.

CU1 - Ethan

For demonstrating active learning skills by working with focus during our spelling practice session. Super work!

CU2 - Taylah

For her amazing responses during Maths time about chance events.

CU3 - Oliver

For the outstanding job he did while confidently presenting his holiday journal to the class.

SU1 - Carla

For going above and beyond with her classwork this week!! You Rock!!

SU2 - Oliver

For his dedication to improving his classroom behaviour and positive attitude. Great work!

SU3 - Sean

For trying his best to achieve the school value of being a learner. Keep up the good work Sean!

Artists of the Week

Artists' work is on display outside the art room, library and in the office foyer, please stop by for a look at the great work.


Ms Mann's special art group made a fantastic LARGE painting, entitled 'RAINBOW DIAMOND'.

Our Special Artists are:  Aiden, Jenson, Rose, Angus and Andre.