Carly Avery

Dear Parents and Friends,


I hope that you all enjoyed the beautiful weather on Melbourne Cup Day. Seems we are in for a few more wet days, which will be great for the garden.


Due to restrictions, density limits etc, the decision was made to cancel our Art Show this year. Whilst this is very disappointing, Jodie Cuskelly has been very busy behind the scenes preparing for our Mega Art Day and Raffle. 

Please see further in the newsletter or Facebook for more information.


If you would like to bid on a piece of artwork, just click on this link:


You may bid as many times as you like!! Thank you for your support. Any money raised will go towards outdoor seating and tables.


Shade Sail Grant Applications

As you may be aware, schools are able to apply for a grant to install shade sails to create outdoor learning spaces. We have finalised this grant and are working on finalising details for where this will go in our yard.


Outdoor Master Planning

As a part of our Master Planning processes, we would like to put together some focus groups for parents, ideally this term. Please contact me if you would like to be a part of this group, and watch this space for more information.


Restriction Guideline Updates

We have a newly updated set of guidelines from this week. Updates in this include:

  • Continue hygiene, mask-wearing and ventilation practices in place.
  • Parents are allowed on site for drop off and pick up, messages to the office etc. Due to density limits, we ask that you drop off/ pick up outside of the school building. Any messages etc. to continue entry via the front office, following check-in procedures.
  • Year 3-6 students continue wearing masks inside.