From the Library 

Celebrating the stories that matter


Australian Reading Hour 2021 celebrates the stories that matter and explore the role of storytelling in transforming lives and shaping our sense of identity, belonging and understanding – as individuals and as a nation. 


Originally launched by Australian libraries and library associations for the National Year of Reading in 2012, the Australian Reading Hour began as an event for all Australian to set aside one hour on one day to read – whatever they wanted, wherever they were located and however they chose to read. 


It has since become an annual program featuring events with Australian authors, writers, poets and illustrators in libraries, schools, bookshops and even on public transport. 

Australia Reads is a not-for-profit initiative encouraging Australians to put down their phones, turn off the TV and read, for 10 minutes a day. Reading for 10 minutes a day at the average reading rate of 300 words per minute means you could be reading 3,000 words per day, leading to 90,000 words (the average length of an adult book) each month. 


Join in on Tuesday 14 September to celebrate the joy of reading. 


Postcrossing is Coming!  


Postcrossing is a not-for-profit mail exchange program with over 800,000 members in 207 countries. The site has an active educational component, and the library will be developing connections with schools throughout the world for students to exchange postcards at no cost. At this stage we have communication with a school in Provence, France where students are keen to practice their English through the post. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please email the library with ‘Postcrossing’ in the subject line and we will get the project underway.  


Our eBook collection :  information for parents 

Do you know the library has a wide range of eBooks and audio books for your child to read or listen to? 


The Wheelers app provides over 3,000 titles with a wide range of subject and topics. 

The library aims to offer a broad range of titles encompassing all genres and suitable for various year levels. We encourage parents to actively assist students in selecting appropriate resources. 


Do you need help in encouraging your child to read more or are they having trouble finding titles they wish to read? Email the library staff at for help and recommendations. As well as providing recommendations, library staff can also provide advice for students and parents on suitable titles for different reading and comprehension levels. 


During lock down eBooks are a great way for students to escape and explore the world from home. For parents knowing and understanding what their child is reading is a challenge, library staff are here to help face that challenge together. 


The library has also put together a list of uplifting and inspiring books to help pass the time during lockdown. To access this list, log in to Wheelers with your compass username and password.