Library News

Welcome Back
The Library and Discovery Centre staff at both Cranbourne and Clyde North would like to welcome back all students to school. The library at Clyde North is temporarily in a classroom at CO1 (The Coffee Building Room 1), where you are still able to browse, return and borrow books. The Year 7 & 8 Reading Detective classes at Cranbourne are in the Library while the Clyde North Reading Detective classes will be in the classroom and also making use of sunny break out spaces around the campus. It has been wonderful to hear the conversations and chatter of returning students and their reading adventures while in lockdown!
While on campus during the lockdown, some students made use of their spare time and built some LEGO masterpieces!
A reminder that online resources are always available in ‘My Library’ HERE including browsing our catalogue for either reading or research resources both for physical resources and online..
A reminder that all Bookhire books will need to be returned soon and please keep an eye out for emails reminding families and students when and where text books need to be returned. Books required for current subjects will not need to be returned until the subject is completed. New texts for Headstart (or the eBook equivalent) will also be distributed in the next few weeks.
Wishing all students and families a joyous and industrious Term 4!
Ms Joyce Sendeckyj
Head of Library