Wellbeing Support

Wellbeing Support for Students:
Dear Students, Parents and Caregivers,
The link between food, mood and learning
It is well known that fuelling children with the appropriate foods helps support their growth and development. But did you know there is a growing body of research showing that what children eat can also affect their mood, mental health and learning?
Parents' Voice and the Healthy Eating Advisory Service (HEAS) have written about research that looks at the links between food, mood and learning and how parents and schools can team up to ensure that kids are eating healthy all day long. Read all about it here.
-Courtesy of Healthy Schools E-Update, Issue 8
- Rachael Richards
Family Wellness Tips From One Parent To Another
Our Resilience Project
"As a parent dealing with the frustrations and challenges of life as we know it in our current climate it is really difficult to watch your children experience the challenges of remote learning and lockdown. I have continually looked for ways to keep life normal, but life isn’t normal right now. Since the pandemic began, we like most people have looked for the silver linings but after a while it’s exhausting and at times does not happen. I have been inspired by Hugh van Cuylenburg from the Resilience Project and the words of a psychologist who talk about being grateful and that research shows if you write down something you are grateful for you are likely to feel more optimistic and happier. I understand gratitude and am grateful for many, many things but we often don’t take the time to think about and truly acknowledge what these things are. So I decided I would ask myself, my children and husband each day what we are all grateful for, write these down and place them in a jar. We did this for about a week and wrote several things down then put them in the jar. I re-visited this and felt these words would have more power on display. We now have a poster up on the wall with room to add more words."
- Parent from the Clyde north Community
If you are a parent and you would like to share what your family is doing to support family wellness, we invite you to share with us a few sentences and images of your activity by contacting both:
Sylvia Keane
Student Counsellor & Student Support Leader
- Clyde north Campus
Seasons for Growth - free seminars for parents / carers and professionals