Clyde North Campus News

How do we say goodbye to our wonderful class of 2021?
This question got me thinking about the word goodbye and what it actually means. A little research and here is what I discovered.
“Goodbye” comes from the term “Godbwye” a contraction of the phrase “God be with ye”. Depending on the source, the contraction seems to have first popped up somewhere between 1565 and 1575.
In Spanish, there are several different ways to say goodbye: there is adiós, which literally translates “to god” but functionally means “good-bye”; hasta luego, literally meaning “Until then or next”; or hasta la vista which translates to “until the sight” but functionally “see you later”.
Taking a little from the 16th Century Godbwye and the Spanish adiós we wish our Year 12 students all the very best as they move forward and beyond the gates of St. Peters College. Year 12, remember the words of Winnie the Poo, the most important this is that we are not saying goodbye forever as we will always be with you. I want to congratulate the way the Year 12 students conducted themselves during their final days at school and on zoom. It was not the finish we had planned and hoped for, but our students were incredibly gracious in the way they handled their disappointment. We are proud of the young men and women they have become.
I especially want to thank the Year 12 VCAL class who honoured us with their final VCAL presentations last week. Each student demonstrated such maturity and growth in the way they presented their year’s work. They indeed leave with great knowledge, skills and numerous certificates that have great currency in the workplace. Well done to all of you.
As a final farewell a zoom was hosted for all Year 12 students and their teachers. Messages of good luck, best wishes and thanks were offered by both students and staff to one another. I cannot wait until we meet the Class of 2021 again at their Graduation on 19 November 2021 as it will be a most fitting and joyous celebration.
Students and Music return to Campus
As more students began to return to face to face lessons this week the buildings and grounds took on an energy that has been missing for some time. We were treated to a several performances by the VET music students reinvigorating our community. Each day there are new smiles and energy which will sustain us as we head towards the end of the year. Our focus is to continue to reconnect with each other and reignite our passion for learning. Welcome back to everyone.
Rosemary Graham Shield: Congratulations Glowrey House
It has been a difficult year to run the usual House Activities during the extended lockdown periods. However, our Swimming and Athletics carnivals did go ahead with great enthusiasm and fun. Glowrey House were triumphant in all events they participated in leading to their overall victory as the 2021 Rosemary Graham House Shield Champions. On Tuesday, 16 November 2021 Glowrey House will celebrate this victory along with Augustine House who were the 2020 champions as we were not able to host any celebrations. The usual off campus trip will not be possible but we will ensure both Houses have a memorable day. Thank you to all House Leaders and Learning Advisors who worked so hard to ensure events did proceed where possible. Next year the challenge is on again and we look forward to a great competition.
Finally, as VCE examinations begin, we pray for our students, sons and daughters as they challenge themselves to give of their best for each examination. Go well and be safe.
Julie Banda
Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus
An open letter from your College Captains
Dear Parents, Teachers, Staff and Students
These past two years haven’t been easy and certainly not what we expected. However, in saying this we feel it has brought our cohort closer together and built a special bond within the 2021 Graduating Class. It made us realise how precious the time we had on campus was and how important it was to be resilient through the endless challenges and lockdowns. It also taught the Student College Executive team to be adaptive, think outside the box and be ready to have to change activities to a remote setting in a matter of hours. Even though this wasn’t the experience we wanted or expected as College Captains we took it head on and it taught us the importance of leadership and how it isn’t always easy. We may not have been able to achieve all we wanted this year but it will most certainly be an experience we will never forget.
We also would like to thank you all for your continued support throughout last year and most importantly this year. It has been nothing short of stressful, tiring and hard. Firstly, thank you to the teaching staff of St. Peter's College, as tough as these two years have been on us, it's been tougher on you. Your endless support right through the most challenging times in our lives has made it easier and less stressful, we thank you for making remote learning that little bit more enjoyable and engaging. We also extend our thank you to the non-teaching staff of our College. Without you the College simply wouldn't be the same, the endless work you all do behind the scenes to make sure our College is neat and tidy or keeping us up to date doesn’t go unnoticed by us students and we are forever grateful for your work. To the Parents/Carers, thank you for your support through these past two COVID affected years. You’ve been stuck with us from day 1 and all throughout remote learning and for that we will always be grateful. And most importantly thank you to all our peers for being so adaptive, resilient and hard working. To the Year 12s we are almost there, there is light at the end of the tunnel and you have been nothing short of amazing. This year hasn’t been short of its ups and downs by any means, but you guys have put in an insanely fantastic effort– and we as your College Captains couldn’t think of a better cohort to graduate with.
Thank you again,
Corey & Alliah
College Captains Clyde North