Assistant Principal Report
Transitioning Onsite
Dear Families,
I sincerely hope that all our students and families have continued to stay safe and healthy. As you are all aware, we begin on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to transition our prep students back onto our school site and into our classrooms!! Then on Thursday and Friday we welcome our Year 1/2 students back onto our school site and into our classrooms!! In the coming weeks we will extend that welcome to our year 3-6 students.
From communications and conversations we understand that some of our families and students will be feeling a little uneasy about the return to school in this current climate. Please be assured that our teachers and administration staff are fully prepared to welcome all our students into our classrooms, with our number one priority being the health and safety of all in our school. With that in mind the Education Department is making provision for all schools, including ours, to ensure that our students and teachers can reconnect and learn in a safe and secure environment. To reduce the risk of students catching and spreading COVID-19 a range of measures have been put in place.
These include:
• vaccination of teachers and school staff
• provision for ventilation of indoor spaces
• cleaning
• regular use of hand sanitiser
• increased use of outdoor spaces and
• wearing of masks for all teachers and children from Grade 3 and up.
Our staff are well prepared to support all our students as they start to transition back into classrooms. Teachers will focus on re-engaging and reconnecting live with our students, taking particular care to monitor and support all our students’ wellbeing and learning. This means that we have carefully considered our programs to allow for maximum time with students and their classroom teachers.
We have thorough processes in place to support the transition of all our students, across all year levels and we hope that these processes act to reassure our students and their families. We have planned for our students to experience a smooth transition back to onsite learning and we know that parents/carers are a key part to ensuring our students have confidence in coming back into their classrooms.
I encourage all parents/carers to continue to reassure your child/children about returning to school and really highlighting for them that the school has measures in place for students’ safety and wellbeing. Frontloading students with positive affirmations about their class teacher, seeing their friends and spending time in their classrooms, reconnecting with all that they held dear before the lockdown, will help to reassure and provide confidence that school is a safe and fun place to be.
I would like to thank our teachers and Education Support staff for their incredible efforts and staying power throughout these lockdowns in providing a first class education to our students. Thank-you to all our parents/carers for your incredible support of our teachers, online programs and of course the support and care you have provided to our students. Together we have come so far and as we move back into classrooms, I know that we will continue to support, respect and encourage each other so that our students can experience a positive return to school.
‘Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.’ – Maya Angelou
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic – Assistant Principal