Co-curricular - Senior Sport

From the Head of Sport  

As indicated previously, the College is preparing for the commencement of Summer Sport, and on Monday we received information which indicated we are another step closer. The following announcement was made by the NSW Government:


“To help students return to normal life and support their studies, restrictions on school sport will be lifted…. From Monday, November 1, school sport can resume on site, schools can utilise external sport facilities in line with community sport guidelines, and schools can engage in inter-school sport outside of school hours”.


For various reasons, the College will proceed with the plan for Baseball, Basketball and Cricket in Week 6 from Monday 8 November. At this point in time, the Swimming Squad will commence training in the College pool on Tuesday 2 November. I ask that all students trialing for a summer sport be aware of trial details to be posted via homeroom announcements, notice boards and Team App later this week.


On another note, it is with sadness that I inform the community that the Senior Winter Sport photos will not be taken this year. Due to the extended period of lock down, our current restriction on mixing cohorts and the timelines required to produce the 2021 Lumen, the decision, whilst unfortunate, has been made to cancel the photos. As a result, team lists will acknowledge the boys’ efforts in this year’s edition of the Lumen. Whilst this will no doubt disappoint the boys and their families; the reality is that the College is left with no feasible option. 


‘Best and Fairest’ and ‘Team’ Awards will be presented to respective members of all Football, Rugby and Tennis Teams later this term. 


Anthony Calavassy

Head of Secondary Sport





Anyone interested in coaching a Baseball, Basketball or Cricket team this Summer Season or interested in umpiring either Baseball or Cricket for the College, are asked to please contact the Head of Sport - Anthony Calavassy. 

Phone: 9763 1000 
