National Tree Day

The Environmental Club has achieved the following so far this year: removing straws from the canteen, having a paperless bulletin for staff, improving our paper recycling program and initiating the Terracycle/Colgate program.
Another very important environmental goal recently achieved was planting trees /shrubs and grasses for National Tree Day on Friday 27th July. With the support of Mrs Kindler and Mrs Cathy McNaughton Glen Eira College had plants donated by Glen Eira Council and the Level Crossing Removal Authority. Cathy McNaughton and Ross McNaughton with the help of members of our parent committee did a wonderful job landscaping and preparing the ground for students to plants at lunchtime on the day.
It was great to see our Environmental Club members (Ashleigh Harris, Twiza Christian and Shruthi Sasi Kumar) being joined by a number of students, staff and parents in placing our trees/shrubs and grasses around the Performing Arts Centre. It was an activity that was enjoyed by everybody and it was great to see the lovely green landscaping that was developing.
Glen Eira College and the Environmental Club would like to extend a big thank you to Cathy McNaughton for organising the plants plus guiding the landscaping, Ross McNaughton for digging all the holes for the plants, members of the Glen Eira College Parents Committee and all students who helped with the planting. It will be great to watch the plants grow and develop over the coming year.
Elizabeth Allan and the Environmental Club