Junior School Highlights

2019 Year 7 Welcome Afternoon
We had a wonderful evening on the 5th September with our 2019 Year 7 parents. The PAC was packed with over 250 parents, all excited to become a part of this vibrant learning community. Parents learnt about our Parent’s Association, Immersion Programs, Instrumental Music Program and the many opportunities afforded to both our parents and students.
Parents were given the opportunity to make friends and start building relationships that may last for the years ahead. We reminded parents that the transition to Secondary College could be very challenging and that it’s important that they are involved with their children and stay in communication with the college throughout this important coming of age.
We are always looking for more parental involvement/volunteers for these events. If interested please contact the school or the Glen Eira Parents and Friends Association (GECPA)- Svetlana Bauchiere gecpa@gec.vic.edu.au
Mathieu Givogue
Junior School Leader
Year 7 Highlights
On Tuesday 4th September the Year 7 students participated in the whole school athletics. The students were involved in many events such as long jump, shot put and track races. All students displayed positive sportsmanship and won many awards for their achievements.
The Glen Eira College Instrumental Music Gala Concert saw so many Year 7 students challenging themselves with the range of performances. Amazing performances by the Year 7 students included the Year 7 choir, piano solos, the violin group and ensembles.
Year 7 book club students who attended the Melbourne Writers’ Festival hand a mind-blowing experience.
Bernie Coghlan & Delanka Peiris
Year 7 Coordinators
Year 8 Highlights
Year 8 Boys Soccer
Congratulations to the Year 8 boys’ soccer team who came runners up at the Southern Regional Championship round. After winning a dramatic penalty shootout to qualify for the final game against Frankston, the boys were right in the game before some late goals blew the margin out to 3-0. It was a great effort and the team was very close to qualifying for the State Finals.
Daniel Mulligan
Year 8 Coordinator
Australian History Competition Results
In May, Year 8 students participated in the Australian History Competition. The Year 8 paper is broadly based on the Australian Curriculum: History for Years 7 and 8. Students responded to a variety of questions addressing knowledge, skills and understandings. Students had 45 minutes to complete 50 multiple choice questions with many of the questions source-based.
Congratulations to the following students for their achievements in the Australian History competition.
Alexine Dubois DISTINCTION
Daniel Mijares Mendez DISTINCTION
Emily McLenaghan DISTINCTION
Jasmyn Roberts DISTINCTION
Nathaniel Cosgrave DISTINCTION
Sofia Jorgovic DISTINCTION
Thomas Coleman DISTINCTION
William Middleton DISTINCTION
Melanie Mattsson
Head of Humanities
Book Week Activities
For Book Week, 8C students participated in a book-making activity. They wrote, printed and bound a book about mountain-dwelling endangered species as part of the Year 8 Humanities Immersion program. Students loved the hands-on activity and could not be happier when they saw the final product.
Cedric Chamontin
French Immersion Teacher
Year 9 Highlights
Our Year 9 students are preparing for their camp that will be occurring in week 3 of next term. We currently have about 66 students with their names down but have room for 70 students in total. If your child is still interested in attending, please make sure they see myself or Kathryn in the Junior School office so they can be put on the list and given a medical form. The camp is only $200 for 5 days and will be a very enjoyable time away for all.
We have several Year 9 students involved in the Mass Choir for the Victorian State School Spectacular this year which is being performed on Saturday 15th September in two massive shows. Those Year 9s are:
Layla Cameli-Wolski
Alannah De Jesus
Lottie Hudson
Sasha Hudson
Jasmine Shaw
Sophie Swiatlo
Dasha Tolkach
Georgia Wood-Freeman
Book tickets quickly and help support the school's amazing talents.
We also had a number of boys participate in the Water Polo Cup which was headed by Mr Peterson, congratulations to all of those involved:
Anatole Dutrieux
Ilay Fridberg
Willem Gorissen
Patrick Hornby
Dhruva Kaluvakolanu
Jarrod Kiss
Alexander Leathley
Dhugal Leathley
Harley Reitberger
Sarah Mortimer
Year 9 Coordinator