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We NEED to hear YOUR Story
We need to hear your thoughts, challenges and ideas for the future. To help us develop a new Youth Strategy for Glen Eira, we want to understand the needs of our young people – so we can put the right information, programs and services in place.
We want to hear from you if you are:
- 10 to 25 years and live, work, study or socialise in Glen Eira
- a parent/carer of a young person or an adult who spends time with, employs or provides services to young people in Glen Eira
How to get involved:
In person: Register to attend one of the Community Workshops
Youth Workshop (10 – 25 years old)
Tuesday 18 September
Boyd Room, Carnegie Library
6pm – 7.30pm
Pizza provided
For Bookings:
Parents, Carers and Service Providers Workshop
Thursday 20 September
Level 1, Social Room, Duncan McKinnon Pavilion
7pm – 8.30pm
Light refreshment provided
For Bookings:
Online: Take one of our short surveys to share your stories and enter for your chance to win one of
Five $50 Westfield gift cards
- Survey for Young People aged 10 – 25 years old
- Survey for Parents, Carers and Service Providers