Welcoming Students from Ogaki, Japan

Ogaki Visit
This term we were fortunate to have a visit from Glen Eira’s Japanese Sister City, Ogaki. A small group of students ranging from the ages of 12-15 along with 3 staff members attended our school for two days. Some of the students were hosted by GEC students over 5 nights. On the days that they attended our school, they joined in regular classes as well as participating in a number of special classes designed for them. In particular, they enjoyed their woodwork class led by Mr Tserkezidis and the games and activities session led by Ms Fisher at the ELC.
On their final day we held a Farewell Assembly where students from GEC and Ogaki performed. 7E did a fabulous job starting the assembly off with the Japanese National Anthem and then there was an amusing DAJARE (Japanese / English puns) performance from Sebastian and Caleb from Year 8. Armand from Year 7 recited a poem in French which was then translated into Japanese by an Ogaki student. The assembly was well run by Hyuk and Lucas from 9F, presenting in both Japanese and English.
The Ogaki students performed a traditional dance and beautifully sang two songs: ‘Let’s search for tomorrow’ and ‘Believe’. Glowing speeches were given by Mrs Kindler and the Principal of Ogaki High school. It was obvious from this Assembly that the Japanese students and staff loved their time in Australia and that our students enjoyed getting a glimpse of Japanese culture.
This was a wonderful experience for all parties and it was such a shame that it all went by so quickly. I would like to thank those families who hosted students as without your support programs like this cannot run. Programs like this remind us all why study languages, as it is after all a means to communicate with others from different cultures and hopefully create long lasting friendships.
Emma Nishikubo
Japanese Teacher