Around the College

Year 11 Legal Studies Excursion to the Supreme Court
On 21st August, the Year 11 Legal Studies class had the opportunity to experience the daily works of the Supreme Court. Upon arrival, the group was guided into a non-sitting courtroom where we learned all about the ins and outs of the court. A volunteer from the Supreme Court Education Team explained all about the layout and personnel of the courtroom and the types of cases they hear on a daily basis such as serious indictable offences like murder and terrorism.
We participated in a mock trial consisting of swearing in witnesses and choosing and challenging possible jurors. Shortly after, we were taken into a criminal trial currently being heard where an expert witness in DNA analysis was being questioned by the defendant’s barrister. We sat in the public gallery where we observed the defence question the DNA specialist in order to discredit the evidence that was in favour of the prosecution. Overall, the excursion provided insight into the inner workings of a court and the types of cases that pass through the court regularly.
Chloe Galieos and Sarit Moshe
Year 11
International Student Public Speaking Competition
On evening of 22nd August, Cici Wang and Gloria Wang attended the International Student Public Speaking Competition at Northcote High School. They had worked hard on the speech and enjoyed the night very well. Cici was the youngest competitor among 33.
Tara Fang
International Student Coordinator
Wear it Purple Day
Glen Eira College’s “Rainbow Retreat” LGBT+ group worked tirelessly over the past 4 weeks to put together a fantastic market stall for the Glen Eira students.
On offer were stickers, ribbons, wristbands, friendship bracelets, a “Guess How Many Lollies?” competition and a ton of free resources!
The Rainbow Retreat students were overwhelmed with support and raised over $150 for Minus18, an LGBT+ group supporting youth education and empowerment.
Wear It Purple Day is a national day celebrating LGBT+ inclusion, equality and empowerment. The students at Glen Eira College were incredibly supportive, wearing their purple accessories throughout the day and proudly promoting LGBT+ information.
Morgan Hunter
Student Support Worker