Education in Faith

Farewell to Fr Dean
Father Dean will be celebrating his final Mass at StsPP on Sunday December 1st at 10:00am followed by a morning tea in the Parish hall. All members of the Galilee community are cordially invited.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
Congratulations to the Year 6 students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday the 22nd of November at OLMC. We thank the Year 6 parents, teachers and staff at OLMC for preparing the students so well. On Sunday the 24th of November the Year Six students at StsPP received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Both were beautiful services led by Father Brendan Hayes. We wish these students well as they continue on their faith journey filled with the mighty power of the Holy Spirit.
On Sunday the 24th of November, a few Year Sixes went to Saints Peter and Paul Church to make their Confirmation. At 10:00am, the mass started and Father Brendan talked to us about the importance of family, friends and the Sacrament of Confirmation. We later stood up with our sponsors at the altar, received the oil of Chrism and then going back to our seats. At the end of the mass, all the Year Sixes sang ‘Hambe Galle’ which is an African blessing song Galilee students learnt from our incursion with Andrew Chin. Afterwards, we felt proud of ourselves for making our Confirmation, and congratulations to all others who made it either on Friday at Our Lady of Mount Carmel or on Sunday at Saint Peters Saint Paul.
-By Sofia. T and Sandy.N
On Friday the 22nd of November at 7pm, some of the Year Sixes at Galilee and other schools in the community made their Confirmation at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. We were all very excited to receive this sacrament after weeks of learning about the fruits and the gifts of the spirit. Our sponsors, family, friends and teachers were there to support us during this journey. During the Mass we all went up one by one with our sponsors to be confirmed into the Catholic Church by Father Hugh and the Very Reverent Brendon Hayes, Episcopal Vicar with our chosen saints' names. We all chose a saint that meant a lot to us.
We would like to thank our teachers Mrs. Ferguson and Miss. Biggs for all they did to teach us at school. We'd also like to thank all the teachers, parents and friends for coming to celebrate this very spiritual occasion with us.
By Sienna Mapley
Galilee Friday Morning Prayer Group
The Galilee Prayer Group meets every Friday morning at 8:15am until 8:35am. The format of this will change. All members of the Galilee school community are welcome to participate in Christian meditation. You don't need any qualifications or experience to attend. We look forward to The Galilee Friday Morning Prayer Group growing and flourishing.
Advent Food and Toiletry Drive
This Advent the Galilee students and families will be asked to donate any non perishable food and toiletries to both the StSPP kitchen and the Father Bob Foundation. This is a wonderful way we can be the 'Hands and Feet' of Jesus this Christmas to those most needy in our community. Please bring any donations to the inside area next to the school hall and place them in the containers provided. We really appreciate all your generous support!
Brotherhood of St Laurence 2019 Toy Appeal
Galilee is very pleased to be liaising with The Brotherhood of St Laurence in their 2020 Toy Appeal.
What is the Toy Appeal?
The Brotherhood of St Laurence Toy Shop Appeal is an initiative seeking to provide toys for families experiencing social or financial disadvantage.
What is the Toy Shop?
The Toy Shop is set up much like a regular toy shop might be. A stall is set up and parents are invited to pick out a donated gift that they can then give to their child. Providing the toys unwrapped, means the parents can choose a gift they know their child will love. The Toy Shop aims to help parents feel empowered and capable of providing something special for their children in what otherwise might be a stressful time.
How can you participate?
Donate new, unused toys suitable for ages 0–18 years.
Make sure to leave the toys unwrapped so that parents can choose the perfect gift for their children.
The pick up day for the toys at Galilee is December 2nd.
Please leave all donations in the school hall. Thanks in advance for your generosity:)
Date: 1Dec 2019 – 24 Dec 2018
December 1st 2019 marks the beginning of Advent. Advent is the preparation time before Christmas, similar to Lent being the preparation time before Easter. This link will assist you with a video and information about the Catholic Traditions of Advent-
With your family you may wish to create an Advent wreath and light a candle for each week of Advent.
You may like to create an Advent calendar and delight in creating ways you can all enjoy the ‘Joy of Giving’ to each other, the school, the parish and wider community as you journey together through Advent.
You may like to display the Nativity scene in a place of prominence in your home as a focus
on the coming of the promised Messiah, Jesus. Jesus is the reason for the season!
Term Four Dates
Term 4
9 December-Graduation Mass-Grade 6 - OLMC - 6:00pm
13 December- End of Year/Christmas Mass- SJ and School Captains - Sts PP-9:00am
OLMC need your help for the Christmas nativity play
Christmas Eve Family Mass will be at 6.00pm.
We are inviting children who would like to take part in the retelling of the Nativity Gospel at the Christmas Eve Family Mass at 6.00pm at Mount Carmel Church. We are looking for a Commentator to welcome everyone at the start of Mass, 3 readers and 1 angel to read parts of the Gospel story. All children are invited to come dressed as shepherds or angels. A rehearsal will take place at OLMC Church on Sunday 22 December 2019 between 2.00pm and 4.00pm. If you would like to take part please contact the Parish Office 9681 9600 and leave your name and contact details with either Anne or Michael.
Religious Education Curriculum Framework
The Third Strand
Reasoning and Responding
We've been looking at the learning structure of teaching religious education in Catholic schools. This information is taken from the RESource website. In the Religious Education Curriculum Framework, the learning structure has three integrated components: Knowledge and Understanding, Reasoning and Responding and Personal and Communal Engagement.
Reasoning and Responding: making meaning
In this strand, we are invited to discover that life has purpose and meaning, even beyond self-fulfilment. It grows from the Catholic belief that Christ is the way, the truth and the life. This strand focuses on the development of particular ways of thinking and acting that arise out of grappling with what it means to be a follower of Christ. In this strand, students are challenged to consider issues and deep questions within their world and are invited to respond to the Catholic Tradition and its call to live with love, integrity and virtue. Students are empowered to be agents of their own learning, making meaning through dialogue with the other.
Learning in this strand is evident when students interpret and make meaning of their life, the world and their social context, as well as their religious tradition, responding with openness to transformation and with empathy for others. The modes of learning in this strand include: listening with compassion, sifting and sorting out, questioning, wondering, responding, prioritising, making judgements, considering and empathising.
John 3:16 King James Version (KJV)
'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'
What an amazing gift God has given us! You might like to go through the Pedagogy of Encounter with this scripture. What do you think? What do others think? How am I called this Advent into a deeper relationship with others? With God?