Principal’s Message

Mrs Kath Baird

Dear Parents and Carers,


It is quite hard to believe that we are in Week 9 of Term 1 already. It  has continued to be an action packed week here at Sacred Heart School.


It has been so lovely to start welcoming our families back into the school over the last couple of weeks. This Wednesday we will be hosting an open morning for all parents  and carer's (Transition - Yr 6) to come into their child/ren's classes and share in the learning. The open morning will commence at 9am and conclude at 10am - all are welcome. Bring your best dancing shoes!


This week our PP5 swimming team has the great honour of representing themselves, our school and our diocese at the Polding Swimming Trials in Sydney. We wish them luck and hope they enjoy the experience! 






Also this week is an important week for our Year 6 students who are preparing for their Confirmation. Students will be attending reconciliation and a retreat day prior to their Confirmation on Sunday. Our prayers are with Felicity and Georgia as they take this important step in their faith formation.


We have included some fantastic photos this week from the K-2 preschool visit last week. Both our students and the children at preschool enjoyed the opportunity to read together and catch up. A huge thank you to Miss Corrina!


Our 2023 Transition to School program will be commencing at the beginning of Term 2. This term we will host three events for parents and new students to attend. We will be begin with an Open Morning on Wednesday 23 March, from 9am - 10am, where parents and children will be able to see how Kindergarten at Sacred Heart School works. On Wednesday 30 March we will be holding a Transition Information 



session for parents from 9am-9:30am to discuss the program and how it will work for this year.  Wednesday 6 April will be our Easter Hat Parade with our students here at school as well as our transition students for this year. The parade will commence at 9:30am and please bring your best decorated hat! 

If you know of anyone intending to enrol for 2023 please encourage them to contact me at the school.


As the term continues please remember that if you have any concerns, queries or questions don't hesitate to make contact with us and we can help you out. Our mission is to ensure that we can support students to feel safe, valued, cared for and respected so they can continue to be happy and engaged learners.


Take care


Kath Baird
