Holy Week Liturgies

Holy Week Liturgies
This year, we are proud to present our outdoor Holy Week Liturgies across the school.
They will be presented in the final week of this term, week 11 (Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday) and the first Friday back after the holidays (The Resurrection).
This is a special time of the year, in which all the students become involved in learning about our Catholic Journey with Jesus to the cross and His Resurrection. The students always demonstrate great reverence during these Liturgies and is a privilege to witness.
Therefore, all families are WELCOME to come along and watch their own child’s Liturgy in the courtyard, only on the day that their child is performing. Please see the attached schedule for when your child will be involved in their class Liturgy for Holy Week and you are most welcome to come along and watch.
We ask ALL ADULTS ATTENDING the Holy Week Liturgies to wear a MASK. We look forward to seeing you at your child’s Liturgy. Thank you.