Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates assemblies on the following dates:

Friday 18th March 


Hazel C (12A) - For always trying your personal best when practising your reading. It’s awesome to hear you sounding out new words and trying different strategies to help you achieve your reading goals. Well done Hazel, Keep it up!

Harkeerat K (12B) - For being a wonderful student who always tries their personal best effort and shows mutual respect towards others. You are such a hard worker, and wonderful classmate. 1/2B loves you, Harkeerat!

Penelope W (12C) - For working hard on ignoring distractions and focussing on their work. You have tried very hard to give things a go and try your best. Well done, you should be proud of your efforts this week! 

Harley U (34A) -  For the outstanding effort you have put into your work on subtraction. It has been wonderful to see you facing challenges with a growth mindset and discovering ways to get out of the learning pit! What a star!

Lachlan S (34B) - For being actively engaged in a maths game 'Around the World', being able to mentally calculate addition number facts quickly and impressing his peers.

 Alexander E (34C) -  For choosing challenge and jumping into the learning pit. you have stepped up in recent weeks and are demonstrating a fantastic attitude in your learning.

Kaiden A (56A) - For his consistent positive attitude towards learning and life! He never lets anything upset or discourage him for long and that is an amazing skill to have and utilise!

Matilda M (56B) - For making positive and mature decisions in the classroom. It has been amazing seeing how you have taken ownership of your learning and doing your Personal Best.



Friday 25th March


Memphis C (12A) - For always trying his best during mathematics lessons. Memphis, it is amazing to see you using different strategies to solve subtraction problems. Well done Memphis, keep up the hard work!

Angus B (12B)  - For being an absolute superstar and putting in your personal best effort on all your writing tasks. You are doing incredible work and your teacher and classmates are so proud of you! Keep it up, Angus!

Alma W (12C) - For showing great resilience during our school day and class routines. Alma you always persevere with tasks even when you may find them challenging. Keep being a great role model to your peers!

Liara T (34A) -  For continually approaching all learning tasks with a growth mindset. It has been wonderful to see you diving into the learning pit and discovering strategies to assist when faced with a challenge. Keep up the great work!

Sylvie A (34B) - For her ability to adapt her writing to suit the purpose. Sylvie wrote a plan for a narrative and after discussing it with her teacher, was able to take on constructive feedback and modify her story plan to suit a prep audience.

Kieren H-F (34C) - For taking on enthusiastic approach to his learning and always striving to achieve his personal best.

Charlotte S (56A) - For always being such a reliable, responsible and respectful person to have in the grade! You are a delight and 56A are lucky to have you!

Nick R (56B) - For being a kind and caring, thoughtful classmate. You are such a great friend to others and are always going out of your way to make 5/6B a great place.