Auslan Extra!

Auslan Extra

Howdy Families, Carers and the Armstrong Creek community, 


So how did you go with signing the colours in Auslan. Hope it was neither too fast nor too slow!


I have received a few questions - I will answer one of the questions below and will provide answers to the other questions in future updates. 


One of the questions related to which hand should be used when signing. Well, I am glad you asked… Your dominant hand (the hand with which you usually throw, pick up a cup or write) leads. If a sign only requires one hand, use your dominant hand and if a sign requires two hands, the dominant hand leads and your non-dominant hand ‘supports’. Down the track I will explain more about which hands to use and how for fingerspelling. Don’t worry if this is a bit confusing, practice makes perfect and I will be sure to have picture along the way to show you. 


In this YouTube clip, there is basic Greetings and vocabulary related to Emotions being demonstrated. I have also included a video of two brave students Eli from grade 5 and Xavier from grade 3 who made a video clip introducing greetings and they performed some role play. Be sure you watch them both. 


YouTube Clip – Basic Greetings and Vocabulary related to Emotions


YouTube Clip – Eli and Xavier teach greeting/emotions and role play how to use it.



Enjoy, and happy learning. 


Andrew Welshe