Port Fairy Camp 2022

Students: Nicolas Nikolic &  Arabella Murray tell their story

Year 7 Port Fairy Camp 2022


Last week I went on the year 7 camp and here's what happened on the first day.  We got on the bus and stopped for an afternoon at Flagstaff Hill to play on the flying fox and the playground. Then we continued to Port Fairy Southcombe Lodge, in the afternoon we made some kites which we decorated but didn’t fly until the next day.


On day two, we had a treasure hunt where we had to find hidden chocolates around camp. Then we went on to do some fishing at the Port Fairy Angling Club and unfortunately all I caught was some seaweed! Later in the afternoon we went swimming at the Aquatic Centre and I really enjoyed playing water basketball. That night we had a BBQ tea and had a trivia contest.


On day three, before we left, we went on a Marine/Beach exploration and we got to see a Hooded Plover to which there are only under a thousand left in the wild and they are seen as vulnerable!


Overall, I had a fantastic time at camp and really enjoyed myself. My favorite thing was fishing as I hadn't really done it before and I bet everyone had as much fun as me!


By Nicolas Nikolic 7A


Year 7 Camp at Port Fairy 2022


Last week, the Year 7s went on a camp to Port Fairy. I thought it was very exciting and thrilling because of all the fun activities we did. We went fishing, had a nightwalk where we saw wild shearwaters and wallabies, went swimming, and had lots of scavenger hunts. My favourite activity was swimming because I like the water and swimming with friends! 


One thing I didn’t like was how uncomfortable the beds were! They felt like exercise mats stacked on top of each other - not like my bed at home!! 


However, the food was amazing! We had a roast the first night, then sausages and burgers the second night. The best part was ice cream for dessert, yum!!  We had quite a few nice teachers on camp.


For the next camp, I think there should be better beds and more craft activities. 


The Year 7s would like to say a big thankyou to Miss Beale and Sammy for organising a spectacular camp!


By Arabella Murray 7A




Day 1:

On camp, we had the opportunity to participate in many activities. On the first day, we adventured down to Warrnambool, where we stopped at flagstaff hill. We got to learn all about penguins and odd ball. From here, we continued our adventure down to South combe lounge. We were given our cabins and some free time to set up our beds. I made lots of new friends, including those I was put in a cabin with. In the evening, we we went to the beach where we saw many animals, including wallabies. There was a wallaby swimming in the water, who came to shore to say g’day. We returned to our lounge, where we had a shower, milo and settled into our cabins. I was exhausted! 


Day 2:

We woke up to a speaker playing music very loud at 7am. I was tired, but excited for what the day had ahead. We got dressed and settled for breakfast. Our first activity for the day was fishing. It was a patient game. No bites, no bait, just snags. I soon learnt to cast my rod a little further, past the rocks. It was time to pack up, everyone had had a great time, but were a little disappointed that there were no fish caught. All of a sudden, the girls started screaming “I’ve got one, I’ve got one!” Excitement was all around whilst one of my friends reeled in a fish. I’m not sure what type of fish it was, but it looked like a salmon. Not big enough for our dinner though, so we put it back. We said thankyou to the people for teaching us how to fish and quickly headed off to swimming. Swimming was so much fun. We played a game of volley ball in the water. We dried off and headed back to camp. It was time to make kites. We were each provided a kite kit each, which we were able to be creative with. The more colour the better they would fly. We went outside and chucked them in the air a few times, running like the wind. It was trial and error, but eventually, we got the hang of it. 


Day 3:

Early rise again. It was time to clean up and start heading home. But before we did, we adventured down to pea soup bay. We learnt about the sea and the creatures surrounding. We found many creatures amongst the rocks, including an octopus, jelly fish and star fish. They felt funny to touch. We wrapped up the day with lunch at the park and headed home on the bus. 


Overall, I had a great time on camp and made many lasting friendships.