Junior School

With Heather McClure

Heather McClure


What another busy fortnight it has been in the Junior school.


Our year 7 students headed off to camp in two separate groups and had a wonderful time in Port Fairy. Mr Fields and I had the pleasure of attending the camp on Wednesday, where we were able to meet both groups - the first group exhausted as their camp was drawing to an end and the first group full of fresh and excited students. One thing was clear by the end of the week - all who attended had a fantastic time!!!


Last week we also welcomed year 7 parents to the school for a coffee and morning/afternoon tea.  It was fantastic to meet with parents and carers and discuss their child’s transition to Secondary school. We look forward to holding many more of these events throughout the year.


Students represented our school in cricket this week, and we had a number of students assist local Primary schools sporting events. It’s fabulous to see so many students representing our school in the community.


On Tuesday we had a large group of students attend a leadership summit. Students spent the day unpacking skills and identifying ‘what makes a great leader’.  Student leadership applications for the Junior school are now open. Forms are available from the Junior school year level leaders office.  I invite all students to apply.


The Young Leaders to India program has also kicked off, this has seen a number of Woodman’s Hill students engaged in a leadership program online, with international students. It’s a fabulous opportunity and it’s great to witness our students engaging with others all around the world.


A reminder - we are looking at uniform. Please ensure that if your child is out of uniform for any reason that you provide a note and encourage your child to attend the year level leaders office before 9am to receive a pass.