From the Deputy 

  Mr Anthony Speranza

Meet The Teacher Interviews

Thank you to all parents for making the time to meet classroom teachers last week. We hope that this initial conversation is the start of a successful partnership between your child’s classroom and home. We received positive feedback from last week, and this will in turn improve our end of Semester 1 interviews with face-to-face and virtual options. We were so happy to share our new learning spaces with you and look forward to doing this more as we open up. 


Student Wellbeing

Last week, Cathy Ferrari posted our school’s behaviour policy to our newsletter which you can find here. Each week at assembly we have been acknowledging the positive choices that our students have been making this Term as they continue to practise our school normal Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Responsible. Next week on our school closure day the whole staff will be coming together to develop a consistent approach to behaviour management, including positive praise and acknowledgement for students. We look forward to sharing this with you as we refine our processes and policies.


Ride2School Day - Friday 25th March

Towards the end of this month on Friday 25th March will be national Ride2School Day - which is aimed at promoting active modes of travel to and from school. Students around the nation are encouraged to ride, walk, scoot and skate to school as they kick-start healthy habits for the future, and take action in doing their part to help the environment. We will share further information about Ride2School Day in our next newsletter.


Mindful March

This month's theme on is Mindful March (pause, breathe and notice). Practising daily mindfulness can help us to stay present, well regulated, and can decrease stress and anxiety. Attached is the calendar to this theme, you may like to do these with your children or personally yourself.