Senior School Report

Senior School Report
Term 1 seems to have come and gone in the ‘blink of an eye’, or at least that is how it has felt for me. I am excited to be here, and know I have made the right decision to be back in my local community surrounded by committed and inspiring staff. I am really appreciative of how the students in Senior School have welcomed all new staff into this wonderful community.
The holidays are a great chance for students to recharge in readiness for Term 2, and the learning opportunities that await! For Year 10 and 11 students relaxing with family and friends should be the priority, but there is also the opportunity to revise any subject content that is not a strength, yet!
For Year 12 students (and any Year 11 student undertaking a Year 12 subject) it is imperative that you spend time revising and consolidating key content. Yes, it is also important to catch-up with family and friends and have some down time, but it is also equally important to complete all homework set by your teachers and consolidate key content!
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and restful break over the holiday period. I look forward to seeing our senior School students refreshed and eager to learn in Term 2.
Mr Mark Corrie
Head of Senior School