Assistant Principal's Report

Assistant Principal's Report
Over the school holiday period it is encouraged to reflect on the Student / Parent / Guardian / Teacher Conferences with your child. What were the positives? What are the areas that improvements could be made? What goals can be set for Term 2 and the remainder of the semester/year?
I’m sure there were lots of words of advice from each of your child’s teachers along with strategies that could be implemented to support your child’s learning. It is very important that students take on these words of encouragement and focus on the progression steps for improvement. We can all do better and improvements can be made along the way of our educational journey. Therefore it is important that we celebrate the achievements along the way and remain positive in the pursuit of self-development.
Review of the Term
Term one has been yet another busy and exciting term. We have welcomed approximately 60 new students into our school including the Year 7s. It has been great that we have also welcomed a number of new students at the other year levels too.
The Year 7 students set off to Camp Rumbug. The Year 12 students traditional residential study camp to The University of Melbourne was cancelled due to restrictions; however, the students had a very informative and engaging program held onsite. There has been a Parent Information Night; welcoming families of year 7 students prior to camp. There has been approximately 15 incursions/excursions occur throughout the term including more sporting teams representing the school. Our student leaders are starting to ramp up their involvement within the school and the community. Many of our students have been involved with student forums focused on the school review. We have had school photos taken and students in Year 7 had a round of immunisations. We had some of our VET Music students perform what they have been learning in the Junior School Courtyard; which was a great event. We also had a Student Casual Dress day and BBQ with all funds raised going to State Schools Relief.
The highlight for me was the College Athletics – it was fantastic to see the college community get behind the event. It was impressive to see so many students dressed in their house colours and participate. The smiles on the students and staff faces was a great sight.
We will continue to hold Assemblies throughout the year. These Assemblies will be approximately every second week. Students will need to at school before 8:35am on Assembly days. Students and parents are asked to check Compass for the schedule.
Term 2 schedule:
Tuesday 26 April (First day) – College Assembly
Monday 9 May – Sub-School Assemblies
Monday 6 June – College Assembly
Monday 20 June – Sub-School Assemblies
NAPLAN is coming soon. Students in Years 7 and 9 will participate in the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). Students undertake national testing in areas of Language conventions, writing, reading and numeracy. Students are encouraged to try their best and attempt every question. Students will complete their NAPLAN online.
If you do not wish for your child to undertake NAPLAN testing please speak to myself.
In Term 3 Parents/Carers will receive a copy of their child’s actual results and a pamphlet that explains how to interpret the report.
End of Term 1
Families are reminded that the final day of Term 1 classes will be Wednesday 6 April. Students will be dismissed at normal time. Thursday 7 April will be Student / Parent / Guardian / Teacher Conferences – students are expected to attend their conferences. Friday 8 April is a Curriculum Day.
I hope that you all have a great holiday break and an enjoyable Easter period. We will see the students back on Tuesday 26 April.
Mr Chris Knight
Assistant Principal