Principal's Report

Welcome to our last edition of The Score for this Term
Term One has been very busy with all students reengaging in quality learning experiences within and beyond the classroom. Maintaining our priorities of student engagement, learning, and wellbeing throughout this term has been a credit to students, staff, and parents. There were many weeks where we were experiencing multiple students and between 20% and 25% of our staff absent. Most absences resulting from students and staff becoming close contacts with only a few unfortunate to contract COVID19 themselves. I want to acknowledge the incredible work commitment of our staff who not only covered classes for their absent colleagues but also provided work for students in isolation while still teaching their own classes.
We have been able to reengage students in many of the activities they have missed over the last few years including Year 7 camp, excursions, House Athletics, interschool sport, study skills sessions, music, ‘Get Fit, Get Active Program’, breakfast club, lunchtime activities, ABCN programs, work placements and many other activities. Our high expectations and platform for respect are now well established and understood by our students, empowering them to be responsible for their own behaviour and learning. This isn’t to say that a small number haven’t required reminding on occasions.
Student Parent Teacher Conferences
Tomorrow we have our student/ parent/ teacher conferences. These conferences are an opportunity for you to meet and get to know your child's teacher and can foster a positive conversation. It is through the sharing of information about your child’s progress, interests and needs, that teachers are better equipped to personalise your child’s learning. Students are required to be in attendance for their online interviews and are not required at the college during the day.
Curriculum Day
On Friday our staff are undertaking Cross Cultural Understandable & Safety Training (CUST training). All school staff are required to complete the program. Staff will not be available during the training and will be unable to respond to any emails or calls until the program has finished.
Student Success
I want to acknowledge the extraordinary work staff have carried out since the start of the year to identify any potential changes in student learning growth. There have been a number of intervention and extension programs that have been implemented, complimented by tutors and the collective supports to support learning catch up and identification of students with wellbeing concerns is a credit to their commitment to all students learning growth.
Two weeks ago, I sent out an article published in the Herald Sun which listed the top ten performing schools in NAPLAN learning growth across all sectors of education. We are very proud of our student learning and continue to strive for learning growth no matter an individuals’ starting point. It was fantastic to see our students achieving and being acknowledged for their learning growth. We have received many messages acknowledging our success in not just one of the NAPLAN results but in all three referred to in the article: writing, reading and numeracy.
2022 College Council
The College Council Annual General Meeting was held last week. College Council supports the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students. On behalf of our community, I thank the following members who have been elected for being prepared to commit their time to support our college.
The 2022 - 2023 Committee members:
Mr Glenn Corey (Year 9 & 11 Parent)
Vice President
Mrs Jo Jones (Year 8 Parent)
Executive Officer
(Principal) - Mrs Gail Major
Committee Members
Parent Representatives
Mr Andrew Bissett (Year 9 Parent)
Mr Garry Davies (Year 9 and 11 Parent)
Mr Peter Mitcham (Year 11 Parent)
Ms Leanne Powell (Year 12 Parent)
Mrs Jennifer Willems (Year 7 & Year 11 Parent)
Department of Education and Training Employee Representatives
Mr Chris Knight (Assistant Principal)
Ms Emily Phibbs (Head of Junior School)
Mrs Michele Rogers (Office/Attendance)
Mr Mark Corrie (Head of Senior School)
Student Members
Aimee Bugeja (Year 12)
Sam Dhillon (Year 12)
Co-opted Members will be introduced next term at our next meeting.
I would like to acknowledge the work of Cindy Lopes who retired after being on council from 2016 - 2021 and president since 2017. Cindy has made a significant contribution as a parent representative to the growth of Scoresby Secondary College.
I welcome our new members to Council and look forward to our school review in Term 2 and the continued transformation and achievement of our goals and priorities.
College Uniform
Students are expected to be in their winter uniforms from the start of term two with the correct items being worn to and from school. Students were reminded of the uniform requirements and the importance of making any necessary adjustments to uniform length, holiday hair colours and jewelry before they return to school.
Open Day and Night
Wednesday April 27 is Open Day and Night. Students will be dismissed at 1.10pm for a break before many of them returning to participate for the evening program. Bookings are available on TryBooking for morning tours only and bookings are not required for the evening session which runs between 5.30pm and 7.30pm. Proof of vaccination certificate is required.
Middle School Certificate
Once again students in Years 9 and 10 are eligible to obtain a Middle School Certificate. Like many independent and high performing schools Scoresby Secondary College issues a certificate for these year levels. The certificate recognises and reinforces the importance of attendance, participation in all aspects of education, and application. The certificate is particularly beneficial as a reference for students, particularly for students who choose other pathways following Year 10.
Rapid Testing
We have been notified that rapid testing will be continuing next term. Please ensure students have undertaken their test on Tuesday 26 April, which is the first day of the term. Distribution of further RATs will be sent home on this day in readiness for Thursday’s testing.
Scoresby Secondary College Facebook
Over the next two weeks we will be featuring teaching and learning highlights filmed during Term 1 as well as a tribute to our ANZACs on Monday 25 April.
Upcoming holiday break
As the term draws to a close, I would like to again thank everyone who has contributed to a successful return this year. It has been wonderful to have been able to be all together back onsite this year following the disruptions last year and we hope that continues.
I especially wish to thank our community for the positive welcome provided to new students and staff as they have transitioned into Scoresby Secondary College. They have quickly gained an understanding of how inclusive and proud we are of our college and the culture of learning growth and respect that is stived for each day.
All the very best to staff, students, and families for a safe and relaxing holiday break so that we can all return refreshed and motivated for Term 2.
Mrs Gail Major