Fit to Drive
Last Thursday, our VCAL class participated in the “Fit 2 Drive” program at our school. The aim of the program was to educate students on the importance of road safety, whether it be from the perspective of a driver, passenger, or pedestrian.
The students engaged in a multitude of activities surrounding the topic, such as an activity where we had to pick a specific person to focus on, throwing a tennis ball to them, and continue this around the circle. The task seemed relatively easy, until our program leader, Josh, began throwing more and more tennis balls into the circle which became increasingly more difficult, as a representation of what it can feel like as a driver, having to deal with multiple distractions at once.
The next activity was somewhat of a roleplay scenario, where we acted out a real case study which happened with students our age many years ago. The aim of this activity was to help students gain a deeper understanding of the real dangers of the roads, and how important it is to follow the road rules and laws. Most of the class enjoyed the program, with some students saying it was “very informative and educational” and “just genuinely enjoyable”.
The class also found our leader, Josh, to be quite a good teacher for the incursion, as he knew what his target audience was, and he knew how to ensure that we were learning, but making it fun at the same time. Overall, the incursion was very worthwhile, and we would definitely love to see it happen again at the school in the future.
Amy Mitcham
VCAL student