Sport & PE

Health & PE Report
As Term 1 ends I thought this would be a good opportunity to reflect on some of our initiatives in both our Junior School and Senior school Health and Physical Education Programs.
This week, the Year 7-9 students will complete their final ECA run (a lap around the outside of the gym) for Term 1. This is a weekly task students partake in as part of their warm-up. Students can choose whether to run 1 or 2 laps which are timed. They are encouraged to beat their previous times, or try to show a general improvement in their run time over the term. At the completion of each run students fill in a run log where they measure their heart rate and quantify their intensity levels using two rating systems known as RPE (rate of perceived exertion) and % Max HR (percentage of maximum heart rate). Both methods require students to utilise their numeracy skills such as estimations, percentages and fractions.
Measuring intensity is an important component of exercising. For maximum health benefits, the goal is to work hard, but not too hard, described as moderate intensity by Australia's Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines. We hope that this initiative will equip our students with the knowledge to be able to monitor and develop their own steps towards improving their cardio-vascular fitness. This has also complemented the Year 7 Health work which has focused on looking at development across three generations with students developing three questions each on Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social development.
If you are interested in finding out more about exercise intensity you can visit the following website:
In Senior School Mr Tom Santos has initiated a Monday activity session in the Gym at lunchtime which has been appreciated by all who have ventured into the gym on this day! Students have engaged in weekly Volleyball playing with, and against, our own staff, as well accessing both the Gym and Table-tennis facilities upstairs. This has been really well supported from students.
Mr Mark Corrie
Health & PE Coordinator
Intermediate Volleyball
Earlier in term 1, students in Years 9 and 10 were given the opportunity to represent the college at the Interschool Volleyball competition. After some gruelling training sessions in the gym at lunch time the day finally arrived, and the teams set out on the bus for the renowned Dandenong stadium. Walking into the facility, the students were eager to impress, and it wasn’t long before they received their team draw for the competition.
The girls spent most of their time playing on the far side of the stadium whilst the boys played the majority of their matches on the main courts. Competition was fiercely tough but that did not detract our young intermediate stars from giving it their all in each of their matches.
The girls side started off very strong, winning the first and last set of their opening round. In their second match they held a convincing 1 set lead against Boronia K-12. Everything looked like it was going to plan until the end of the second set when the opposition had tied the match at 1 set a piece. In the end, the girls came out second best in the match but quickly brushed the result off to prepare for their final two matches, in which they represented the college fantastically with high levels of respect for their opponents, officials and the facility – well done girls! Notable performances on the day include sister combination of Iasinta and Atasha Aiolupotea and some fantastic serving from Year 9 Leader Anna Harper.
The boys side were placed into the A pool meaning they would have their work cut out for them the majority of the day but to their credit they did not shy away from the challenge, in fact they faced it head on almost taking the second set to one of the favourites for the entire day in Upwey High School. There were some stand outs in the boys side; Jamie Sarem had clearly been working on his returns of serves while Noah Paroissien was showing his ability to cover the court and support his team. Overall, each of them showed great enthusiasm and enjoyment on the day – a fantastic effort by all boys!
On behalf of the entire school community, I would like to congratulate all players involved, a massive well done and thank them for their commitment on the day as well as the way they represented the college, wearing the logo with pride.
We also look forward to some upcoming sports in term 2 such as netball, soccer, more volleyball and potentially some basketball.
Mr Barnett
Sports Coordinator