Who's Who in the Primary?

Who’s Who in the Primary

Over the year we have been introducing you, our parent community to our staff giving you a little glimpse into what makes us tick.  This fortnight’s The View we would like to introduce you to Mr Damien Lowe, one of the Year 5 teachers. 


I have 22 years of teaching experience at 4 different schools. I have taught every primary year level except for Prep. This is my 7th year teaching at Mount Carmel and my 2nd in Year 5 after 5 years teaching Year 2. It’s been nice teaching students in Year 5 that I taught in Year 2 and seeing the progress they have made.


I believe the first step in becoming a successful teacher is developing a relationship with the students you teach. The students need to know that they can trust you, be supported and accepted for who they are. I love being able to celebrate a student's successes in their learning and the feeling you get when a student finally achieves something that was difficult for them is unmatched. I am a very strong believer in promoting an active lifestyle for the students and you can always find my class outside engaging in Daily Sport.


What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is Purple. 


What is your favourite movie/song/book?

My favourite movie is The Shawshank Redemption, my favourite song is Sweet Child of Mine and my favourite book is Scar Tissue.


Are you a sweet tooth or a savoury person?



How do you relax and unwind?

I like to go to the gym, listen to music and watch my two children play a variety of sports.


When was the last time you smiled or had a big belly laugh?

Every day in Year 5 White there are reasons to smile and have a good laugh with the students.


What are you most looking forward to this year?

My family holiday.


What quote, line from a song or motto sums you up?

Never underestimate how much a kind word or small act of kindness can mean to someone.