Grade 3/4 Campaspe Downs Camp

Aisha, Chidinma and Jasper 

We excitedly climbed onto the bus that would take us to Campaspe Downs for Grade 3/4 camp. The bus ride was a fun but noisey one because there was tons of chatter everywhere about what we would do at camp.


When we arrived we unpacked our healthy fruit snack, then we got sorted into our cabins. All the cabins were labelled with animal names like dingo, bandicoot, lizard, koala, gala, jellyfish and ibis. They looked very beautiful with white walls and tall bunks. When we reached our cabins we had 30-35 minutes to get ready, unpack and get to know each other. 


After lunch we were sent to our activities. There were activities like flying fox, laser tag, rock climbing and possum glider. Everybody only did two activities and then it was time to get ready for dinner.





That night for dinner we had garlic bread and pasta, for dessert we had strawberry mousse with bits of chocolate.  After dinner, we were given 15 minutes to get ready for our night activities. The night activities were a disco and whacky races. When the activities were finished we got ready for bed. Each night felt like a sleepover. If things got hard there were always our friends for support.


The second day the routine was similar and the weather was BAD! But that didn’t keep us from doing our absolute best. There were loads and loads of mud everywhere. Sometimes on the way to activities, you could see joeys and kangaroos. We went to the beautiful dining hall overlooking the lake for all of our meals. Inside the dining hall, there was a servery where super nice staff served you. There were also self-serveries with fruit, sauces, soup and more!


On the third day it was a 7:00am wake-up (like the other days). We had breakfast at 7:45am, followed by another two activities and then lunch. For lunch we had delicious sausage rolls that we ate outside before we left on the bus. We had done it! The experience was over. We said our goodbyes to the staff and headed off.


The bus ride back to school was really noisy and everyone was feeling a little homesick. When we got back to school everyone gave their families an ENORMOUS HUG! In the end it all felt like a giant sleepover for three days with our old friends and our new friends.


Written by Aisha, Chidinma and Jasper