Student Voice Action Team Updates

Deb Robins 

Environment & Sustainability SVAT

- William, Lilia, Emma, Jasmine F, Elsa, Neko, Tom, Rayma, Eliza and Ernesto


Our initial focus looked at the current environment and sustainable issues encountered within the school and the local community. The key issues that were shortlisted were: schoolyard litter, inconsistent nude food practices and a largely unknown 'bucket filling' initiative (formerly 'Fix up Fridays) were the primary challenges from an environment and sustainabile at a school level. As a consultative measure, we designed a survey that was then circulated amongst teachers and students to complete, inviting them to support some of the shortlisted issues we experience at school. The initial cause that the school voted to support was the return of the recess eating bell and the reminder of nude food practice and disposal of waste in their classroom bin. Since the start of term 3, Student voice leaders have made daily and weekly reminders about nude food which acted as the recess eating bell. In the lead up to the WMM, we also invited students and teachers to conduct pre and post-bucket filling exercises around the school. This was a great opportunity to re-affirm the purpose of bucket-filling and how it's the entire school's responsibility to keep our school beautiful. Most recently, we've been busy finding ways to sustainably promote the 'Dress up for Wildlife' fundraiser event for the Australian Wildlife Conservancy to be held on Friday 9th Sept. We've created promotion videos to show to students and encouraged students to create their own promotion poster/banner rather than printing on copy paper. We have many more 'Green' initiatives that we're excited about implementing and that we're confident will help make a difference.


Wellbeing and Student Support SVAT

-Ida, Angel, Arwyn, Annalee, Ashley, Viola, Moksha, Olive, Leo, Abby and Deb


The Wellbeing SVAT have spent the first few weeks of term gathering information from students across the school about how they feel in different parts of the yard. They have been trying to find what things make kids feel safe in the yard and what things may make them feel unsafe. From the data they collected, they noticed a gap in understanding around yard duty teachers, and other things to do in the yard to get help. They are currently working on a series of tasks to share information about yard duty and playtimes to help students, teachers and adults at home.


Check out next week for an update from the Sports & Health SVAT and the Culture & Connections SVAT