Laying the foundations of design

Cam Ball 

During the past couple of weeks, the Foundation learning community has been taking an in-depth look at the design process. Last Tuesday in EFK, we were thrilled to have Kit’s mother, Lara, speak about fashion design. During her presentation, Lara showed photos and shared fabrics while she spoke about how she imagines and plans for the garments she designs. This gave students additional inspiration and knowhow to be able to further plan their own creations during guided play. The Foundation design portfolios are beginning to flourish, with students designing all sorts of things, such as concerts, clothing, echidnas, dragons, ghost traps, and even a cruise ship designed to fit the entire Foundation cohort… ALL ABOARD!



Throughout the week we also explored the text ‘How to Make Masks’ by Jane Shuter and Jo Brooker. The book provoked students to think about designing their own masks, as we journeyed through the ‘Foundie’s Design Cycle’. We wondered, discussed and explored the materials we could use in our learning spaces to create a mask of our own. We then got busy, completing a labeled plan of our mask ready for the final step: Creation.