Church News 

All Welcome – Worship Services At St Paul

Everyone is welcome to join us on Sunday morning for worship. Worship times are 8.30am for a Traditional Service and 10.00am for a more Contemporary services with Godly Play on offer for Primary School aged children. Tea and Coffee and a time of gathering is held most weeks after both worship services.

Farewell Nicole Hall

On Sunday 25th September we will be having one service at 9.30am to celebrate the years of dedication Nicole Hall has given in her role of Child, Youth and Household Ministry Coordinator. This combined service will hold the Rite of Farwell and we will share a morning tea afterwards. 

Playgroup @ St Paul 

Playgroup @St Paul is on each Tuesday during Term time in the Hall, from 9-10.30, but we welcome people in anytime from 8.30 onwards while we set up. Join us for a coffee, playtime, story time and songs from 9-10.30 each week during school terms. Cost is $2 per family. 

This week in sensory play we made cupcakes out of coloured rice, which was very popular; scooping the rice up with measuring spoons and then pouring it into patty pans.  We even added some candles to make them look like birthday cakes.           


This week in Story Time we read The Elephant & Piggie book ‘I am invited to a party’ and sang songs about rainbows, plus a few old favourites like Twinkle, Twinkle and Row, Row Your Boat.  This week we will see if we can find the tiger hiding in the book and make a jungle scene with the kinetic sand.

For more details contact Kylie Koelman in the Church Office on 8262 4690 or email at



St Paul Youth is run on the first and third Fridays of the month during school terms and is open to students in School years 6-8.  SPY is on this Friday 16th September.  Please note that this is an excursion. Start time is 7pm.  Contact Renate on 0405 433 030 if you haven’t already registered for the event.

Pasty Bakes

A BIG thank you to all who have been part of 2022 Pasty Bake.  We have been blessed that we were able to undertake all 6 bakes and we hit the ground running at the end of May.

Thanks to all the amazing people who managed orders, prepared mixes, baked, ordered, ate and delivered!!  A special thanks to the ongoing support of Two Wells bakery for pastry rounds. 

This year’s fundraising will be used in ministry opportunities within the church.

Growing Faith At Home - Blessing

Do you ever use the Growing Faith at Home Blessing? Have you wondered what is a blessing?

 A blessing comes directly from God and His design for us. Blessings can encompass elements of love, spoken affirmation, and unique encouragement from a parent to their children. Perhaps you’ve heard of it within the Old Testament or other parts of the Bible. And, you might be thinking to yourself….That seems outdated or like something that doesn’t matter for me anymore. Blessings contain roots in ancient history but still serve a very purposeful role in our world and even in your life. They remind us of God’s presence and inject purpose into our activity. 

If you’ve never spoken a blessing over your family, start today. If your children are young, snuggle them into your arms as you speak. If they are prickly teenagers, a simple “The Lord bless you!” as they walk out the door can penetrate even the thickest shell. A family blessing does not have to be eloquent, complicated, or long. Simple works. But I can’t think of an easier—or more powerful—way to speak God’s grace over your children, and to remind them that he loves them and that his power is active in their lives. 

This week’s Blessing: (Child’s Name) – You are God’s treasured possession.


Submitted by Kylie Koelman