From the Deputy Principal

Commitments and connection

Over the past few weeks I have been working with Year Eights on a study skills program and have also had the pleasure to work with them on developing social skills, stronger friendships and understanding the ways that their brains work.  The work of our School Counsellor, Ms Sheryl Moncur, in putting together and delivering the social skills and friendship program has helped our Year Eights to engage in rich ways with some big ideas.  The study skills program is looking at managing commitments, time management, diary use, note-taking and goal setting amongst other useful, practical strategies.  


It's a rewarding and eye-opening way of connecting with our young people to help them understand why they might respond in certain ways, in certain situations, and how they might better navigate the complex, intriguing and often confusing world they find themselves in.  Sheryl writes more about this on her page and I encourage you to read and perhaps explore further the links she has provided.



Student NAPLAN reports are now available on SEQTA Engage.  These are a point in time measure of your child's achievement and I encourage you to contact your child's class teacher or Head of Year if you would like further information about how to interpret the NAPLAN report.  We will be analysing the data we are provided to review programmes, further develop teaching strategies and inform our interventions for students.  SEQTA is also a very useful way to monitor your child's progress and we are always here to provide support. 


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal