General School News

Walk to school 2019 - Monday 7th October to Friday 1st November

Auburn South Primary School will be participating in the Walk to School month this October. The Vic Health initiative encourages primary school students to walk, ride or scoot to and from school as often as possible during October.  Walking to school is a great opportunity to get some exercise and get to know school families that live near you. Last year 96% of students walked at least once and 58% of journeys were walked.



The school will be awarding prizes at assembly to the top two classes that walk the most each week during the Walk to School month. Additionally, the primary school with the highest participation in Boroondara will win a blender bike (we came 2nd in 2018).


Recording Walks

Teachers will record how students travelled to and from school each morning. For those students that live too far from school to walk/scoot/ride all the way, families are encouraged to park at least 500m from the school and walk/scoot/ride the rest of the way to and from school. This will count as a ‘walk to school.’  Please see the map below.


Road Safety

We encourage parents to actively practice road safety with their child and, when competent, support them to walk part or all of the way themselves. 


Decorate Day

On Friday 18th October, to celebrate the Walk to School month, we encourage students to decorate their shoes, scooters, bikes and helmets. Prizes will be awarded.


Longer Term Participation

We encourage all students to walk, scoot and ride as often as possible throughout the year. We ask that families provide feedback on road safety, pedestrian crossings, improvements for bikes and scooters and any other ideas for increasing participation. Please email Sean Micelli at


Listen out for the walk themed bell music each day!