Year 9 SCIP Program
On Wednesday 22nd May, the Year 9 students participated in the S.C.I.P (School Community Involvement Program) Forum Day. S.C.I.P is a program where Year 9 students go out into the community and complete placements, either at Elderly Homes, Special Needs School or an English Language School. The purpose of the day was to introduce us to the program and get an idea of how we could prepare for our placements, so we could try and make a difference within our local communities. One of the activities that the Year 9 students participated in was to create their own display of what gifts they could bring to S.C.I.P. Our Homeroom decided that we were going to do a galaxy. We then decided who was going to do what, so we didn’t double up. Some of us completed a planet, the stars, the moon, or black hole. At the end of the activity, we stuck everything together on black paper and it looked amazing! We then had to wait eagerly to find out who was going to be the winner. It wasn’t until the next day that we found out who the winner was. And to our surprise, it was our homeroom, St Helen. The prize for the competition is a special morning tea organised by Ms Doko. We can’t wait for it! On behalf of all Year 9’s, we would like to thank Ms Doko and the Year 9 team for putting this day together for us.
Natasha Roberts and Rolena Kaka, Year 9, St Helen