Latest News and Reminders
The Week Ahead
Monday 3rd June
School Tours 9.00am-9.45am
Yr 9 SCIP Program
Peer Support P3
Yr 10-12 Maths Club in BRO3 @ lunchtime (bring your lunch)
SCSA Hockey Training @ Mentone Hockey Center 11.45am-1.30pm
Yr 10 Volunteers to St Joseph's Homework Club
Yr 10 Drama Festival at St John Paul's College 11.45am-8.30pm
Tuesday 4th June
Yr 10 and 11 Pre-Exam Study Day
Yr 9 SCIP Program
Wednesday 5th June
Yr 10/11 Exams
Yr 9 SCIP Program
Thursday 6th June
Yr 10/11 Exams
Yr 9 SCIP Program
Yr 9 OED Camp Departing 7.00am
Friday 7th June
Yr 10/11 Exams
Yr 9 SCIP Program
Yr 9 OED Camp Returning 4.00pm
Out and About
Congratulations to Katie Mills, who works in the Student Support area here at the College, for continuing the terrific Homework Program with St Joseph's Primary Grade 3 students. It is wonderful to see the Year 10 girls interacting with the very enthusiastic St Joseph's students each Monday afternoon.
The exam period for Years 10 and 11 begins next week. Parents are reminded that 10/11s will have a study day on Tuesday June 5th, with exams commencing on Wednesday June 6th. Students are not required to be at school except for their exams and can wear warm casual clothing. Year 12s (and those Year 11s doing a 3/4 subject) sit the GAT on Wednesday June 13. A reminder that Friday 14th June is a student free day whilst staff undertake curriculum and assessment tasks.
Year 10 Host Families
As you may be aware, each year we work with Mazenod in hosting students from the Oblate school in Hong Kong. Mazenod takes two boys and we have two girls. This year the students will arrive on Sunday 15th July and leave on Friday 2nd August. During their time in Melbourne they live with their host family and go to school as normal, then spend weekends with their 'family'. We supply them with a uniform. There is also a trip to Healesville and to the city for the students and hosts. There is also a dinner on the last night that is paid for by Mazenod as thanks for hosting. If you are interested in hosting this year, could you please contact me here at the College on I coordinate the program here at Killester and go on the activities with the girls.
Best wishes for the coming week.
Loreto Cannon, School Organisation and Community Development
Upcoming Events
From the Finance Office
Email address
If you wish to contact the Finance office regarding fees, please use the new email address:
We are still waiting on some fees to be paid, so, if you do not have an instalment arrangement, please forward payment now, or, if there is some difficulty, contact the Business Manager, Sandra Rotunno today, to discuss alternate payment options.
Final notice for the CSEF allowance eligibility, so if you are a current healthcare card holder (not a Medicare card) and have not competed a form, please do so now.
New bank details
If you have a current automatic instalment arrangement, please check your bank/credit card details and notify us immediately if there have been any changes.