school life

art news

Hello again! I will keep this brief as Kate and I already filled y’all in on what we have planned for the term - refer to last week’s newsletter if you missed out.

We like to start the year with a whole school art project. The thinking behind this is that it helps build community spirit, it allows the preps to work alongside all the other students, and it means we can build something BIG in a relatively short period of time. Last year we were inspired by Alexander Calder and constructed many wonderful mobiles that adorned the art room.

This year we focussed on cones for no particular reason other than they were easy to construct. We built lots and lots of cones which were used to create installations in the art room (an installation is a three dimensional artwork that transforms a space). The middle school students had the chance to play with the work. Each middle school grade set up the many cones, photographed it, then packed it back up. It was really interesting to see the different ways the groups approached this challenge. Some groups organised the cones according to colours whereas other groups would simply cover every surface.

Teamwork and making aesthetic choices were important components to this lesson but we are also learning about how to take great photographs. Here are a few examples for you to look at.


Andrew and Kate